Press release

Civilian Gallantry List 2010

The names of the individuals who have received The Queen's Gallantry Medal have been published.

This was published under the 2010 to 2015 Conservative and Liberal Democrat coalition government

The Queen has been graciously pleased to approve the following awards of The Queen’s Gallantry Medal and, for publication in The London Gazette the names of the persons shown below as having received an expression of Commendation for Bravery.

The Queen’s Gallantry Medal

Crew Commander Gavin Miller

Firefighter Dean Seaward

Queen’s Commendation for Bravery

Sergeant Torquil Campbell

PC Stewart William Ferguson

Stephen William Clarkson

Christopher Davey

Sean Foxcroft (deceased)

Michael Kerr

Henry Lambie

Michael Joseph McDonald

Alexander McIlveen

Further information about the awards can be obtained as follows:

MILLER - Press Office, DHSSPSNI (Tel: 02890 522841)

SEAWARD - Help desk, Department for Communities and Local Government (Tel: 0303 444 1201)

CAMPBELL, FERGUSON, CLARKSON, KERR, LAMBIE, McDONALD and McILVEEN - Press Office, Scottish Government (Tel: Aileen Easton 0131 244 2056)

DAVEY and FOXCROFT - Press Office, Foreign and Commonwealth Office (Tel: 020 7008 3100)

Queen’s Gallantry Medal

Gavin John MILLER

For rescuing a fire fighting colleague from a burning building

This case relates to an incident on 1 November 2003.  Gavin Miller was a member of a breathing apparatus team who attended a fire in a storeroom at a hotel.  Whilst tackling the blaze, a fireman fell through the roof of the storeroom into the flames below.  Despite the intense heat Crew Commander Miller went back into the storeroom again to rescue his colleague.  The room was by now a fireball with temperatures more than 1,000C.   Despite the pain from the intense heat he managed to reach his colleague and started to drag him to safety.  He was eventually helped by two other colleagues in making the rescue and when he emerged from the storeroom he had to be doused in water to extinguish the flames.  Sadly, the colleague he rescued later died in hospital.  Crew Commander Miller was treated for heat exhaustion and burns but made a full recovery.

Queen’s Gallantry Medal

Firefighter Dean SEAWARD

For rescuing a family of three from a burning building

A rented flat in Blackpool caught fire on 25 November 2008 after an explosion and a family of three inside found themselves trapped on the third floor. The family made their way to the roof through two small dormer windows and awaited rescue. Firefighters were quickly on the scene to find the fire spreading rapidly and the family calling for help on the roof. They set up two ladders so that two firefighers wearing breathing apparatus could reach the family. Firefighter Seaward realised time was critical and climbed the ladder himself to rescue a man on the roof.

He then joined a second crew who were pitching another ladder to rescue the rest of the family. Firefighter Seaward climbed this ladder into the smoke and heat, this time having to make his way from the eaves to the ridge via a gully. On reaching the ridge he made contact with the rescued man’s wife and son. Realising he had to get them out of the smoke he first helped the woman to the ladder where another firefighter was waiting to get her to safety, before going back to help her son.

Queen’s Commendation for Bravery

Sergeant Torquil CAMPBELL, Strathclyde Police Force

PC Stewart William FERGUSON, Strathclyde Police Force

For their actions in dealing with the terrorist attack on Glasgow Airport on 30 June 2007

Sergeant Campbell was the police officer in charge at Glasgow Airport on 30 June 2007. When the bombers attacked he had just met an off duty colleague, PC Ferguson, who was at the airport to collect relatives. On hearing the commotion as the bombers’ vehicle struck the terminal building, both officers raced to the scene, summoning help from colleagues and clearing the public from the area. Despite minor explosions continually taking place, both officers tackled the bombers, who were intent on resisting arrest. PC Ferguson even used a fire extinguisher to try and douse the flames and then used it to deter one of the bombers from launching an attack on him and his colleagues. After much effort, and with the assistance of other colleagues and members of the public, both bombers were subdued and arrested. During the struggle, Sergeant Campbell sustained an injury to his hand and suffered the effects of CS spray but despite this he remained on duty to ensure the safety of the public and to deal with the two men arrested. PC Ferguson also remained at the scene to secure evidence.

Queen’s Commendation for Bravery

Stephen William CLARKSON

For his actions in assisting the police to subdue a Glasgow Airport bomber on 30 June 2007

Stephen Clarkson was at Glasgow Airport on 30 June 2007 to collect some relatives. He was in the main public foyer when the bombers struck. He ran towards the area from where he could see smoke billowing and assisted a police officer in subduing one of the bombers. Stephen Clarkson punched the bomber, who fell to the ground, and then used his body weight to restrain him until he was handcuffed.

Queen’s Commendation for Bravery

Christopher DAVEY

For his actions in giving assistance to passengers after a light aircraft had crashed in Venezuela

On 17 April 2009 a light aircraft carrying 9 British tourists and 3 Venezuelans crashed on take off in a remote jungle area of Venezuela near Angel Falls. Christopher Davey, a trained paramedic, was one of the passengers and despite being cut, bruised and in a state of shock, stayed on board the aircraft and helped the others. Despite the real risk of the aircraft igniting, he treated two British women with serious injuries; one had a blocked airway and the second required CPR and helped to get all the passengers off the aircraft. He also treated a third British woman who had suffered serious head injuries which helped her to avoid more serious mental and neural damage. He also treated a young boy with serious head injuries but he unfortunately died later. Christopher Davey remained with all the casualties when they were transferred to hospital and ensured that their injuries were properly assessed and treated.

Queen’s Commendation for Bravery

Sean FOXCROFT (deceased)

For his actions in saving several students from drowning in South Africa

Sean Foxcroft was one of five team leaders in charge of 15 British students aged between 16 -18 on a London organised World Challenge school expedition to South Africa. On 27 July 2008 he and some students were playing on a beach when some of the students went into the water to cool off. This is a dangerous area for swimming and signs are posted on the beach to warn of the hazardous sea conditions. The students got into difficulties in the surf and he and another leader went to save them. He went into the water several times and saved more than one student. Although he managed to get the students to safety, he himself was sadly swept away to his death.

Queen’s Commendation for Bravery

Michael KERR

For his actions in assisting the police to subdue a Glasgow Airport bomber on 30 June 2007

Soon after the vehicle had rammed into the Glasgow Airport terminal building, one of the bombers emerged and a police officer attempted to detain him. Michael Kerr was at the airport returning from holiday when he witnessed the fight between the police officer and one of the bombers. He went to the police officer’s assistance and ended up being punched in the face and kicked on the leg, which resulted in him suffering a broken leg. He was dragged to safety by other members of the public.

Queen’s Commendation for Bravery


For his actions in assisting the police to subdue a Glasgow Airport bomber on 30 June 2007

On 30 June 2007, Henry Lambie was working at Glasgow Airport as an Airport Ambassador. He heard a loud bang and made his way to the area and saw a burning vehicle rammed against the main doors of the terminal building. Realising the danger, he instructed staff to evacuate and helped two members under threat from fire to do so. Thinking the fire was the result of a motor accident he found a fire extinguisher and moved towards the fire. He quickly realised this was not an accident but continued to fight the fire until help arrived. One of the bombers ran towards him in an attempt to stop him fighting the flames but he turned the water on the bomber and held him off, allowing police officers to apprehend him.

Queen’s Commendation for Bravery

Michael Joseph McDONALD

For his actions in assisting the police to subdue a Glasgow Airport bomber on 30 June 2007

Michael McDonald was working as a check-in attendant when he heard a loud bang. He helped to evacuate passengers and then noticed police officers struggling with one of the bombers. He ran to help and struck one of the bombers in an effort to subdue him and then helped wrestle him to the ground. He used his bodyweight to restrain the bomber while the police handcuffed him.

Queen’s Commendation for Bravery

Alexander McILVEEN

For his actions in assisting the police to subdue a Glasgow Airport bomber on 30 June 2007

Alexander McIlveen was operating as a taxi driver and had just parked his car next to the front of the terminal building when he witnessed the bombers’ vehicle ramming the building. He directed his passenger to safety and then ran to the assistance of a police officer who was being attacked. He saw one of the bombers throw a petrol bomb. Undeterred, he helped the police restrain one of the bombers. During the altercation, CS Gas was used to try and control one of the bombers and Alexander McIlveen was temporarily blinded. He was helped away from the burning vehicle. He soon recovered and later helped Michael Kerr to safety.

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Published 27 July 2010