World news story

Funding opportunities for COVID-19 related activities

The Embassy is looking to fund scientific, innovative, economic and social projects. Deadline 5 June 2020.

This was published under the 2019 to 2022 Johnson Conservative government
Picture credit: Mohamed Hasan

Picture credit: Mohamed Hasan

The Embassy is looking to fund one or two projects within an overall budget of up to 350,000 ILS to enable the delivery of small-scale, one-off or exploratory activities in support of the following priority areas, solely in relation to COVID-19:

  • Development of vaccine, new drugs and therapeutics
  • Development of better and more effective testing
  • Economic recovery and response
  • Support to vulnerable or disadvantaged communities within Israel

Proposals will be accepted from think tanks, commercial organisations, civil society, academic institutions and government entities. The project will run from end-June 2020 - March 2021, with an emphasis on more urgent response work. Only projects directly related to COVID-19 will be considered.

Please submit a concept note (2 pages maximum) by 5 June 2020 with the following information to:

  1. Title of the project
  2. Objectives – including which priority area(s) this fits in with
  3. Description of the activity and beneficiaries
  4. Timetable for implementation
  5. Outcomes
  6. Potential risks
  7. Media and communications opportunities
  8. Estimated budget including breakdown of costs
  9. Sustainability: an explanation of how the project outcomes will continue to have impact beyond the lifetime of the project

Short-listed applicants will be asked to submit a full project form – including an activity based budget (in Excel), Gantt chart of activities, risk register with mitigation plans, a monitoring and evaluation plan – including measurable indicators with target dates, and explanation of how you will ensure gender equality in the project. The Embassy will only be able to follow up with short-listed applicants.

Each project will be managed under an Accountable Grant Agreement. Projects in this framework are not allowed to generate a profit for the delivery partner. For-profit delivery partners will be asked to provide proof of compliance with this requirement.

The successful delivery partner(s) must be willing to engage closely with the British Embassy in Israel, and commit to deliver a project in line with HMG policy.

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Published 22 May 2020