World news story

Be safe this festive season at the beaches around South Africa

Keep in mind the dangers of rip currents whilst swimming at your favourite beaches around South Africa this festive season.

This was published under the 2016 to 2019 May Conservative government
Rip Current

Rip Current

The summer holiday season is approaching and many people will be heading to South Africa’s exquisite coastline. While enjoying the sea, sun and sand, it is good to keep in mind the dangers of rip currents whilst swimming at your favourite beaches. So, let’s all wise up on rip currents.

Rip currents develop anywhere where there are breaking waves. Rip currents form rivers of current; they are made by water draining from the beach and flowing back into the sea. They range in width from just a few metres to a hundred metres or so. Rip currents flow faster than people can swim. They can pull a swimmer in deeper than the breaking waves and sometimes further than that.

Remember, rip currents are at their strongest for a few days before and after spring tide. Find out more about this water campaign.

Read this travel guide on precautions to take against rip currents before you head out to the at beach. (PDF, 364 KB, 1 page)

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Published 5 December 2016