News story

Armenian Presidential elections: a step forward in democratic development

Foreign Office Minister David Lidington said the Armenian Presidential election marks another step forward in democratic development.

This was published under the 2010 to 2015 Conservative and Liberal Democrat coalition government
The Foreign Office, King Charles Street: Crown Copyright.

Commenting on the election Minister for Europe, David Lidington, said:

The Armenian Presidential Election on 18 February marked another step forward in Armenia’s democratic development. The campaign was free and open and voter turn-out on polling day was good. I expect that the final result, when confirmed, will reflect the choice of the Armenian voters.

I welcome the International Election Observation Mission’s preliminary report which concluded that the elections were characterised by a ‘respect for fundamental freedoms’ but also noted deficiencies in election administration and instances of political interference. I look forward to seeing the Mission’s final report and encourage the Armenian Government to respond constructively to any recommendations it might make.

The British Government looks forward to working with the Armenian Government to promote the economic reforms which will underpin Armenia’s efforts to forge a stronger relationship with the EU.

Further Information

Read more about the International Election Observation Mission

British Embassy in Armenia website

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Published 22 February 2013