News story

Animal medicine seizure notice: Guasco & Associates

Details of seizure notice served to Guasco & Associates, Cheltenham. Published in January 2020

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The following products were seized by a VMD inspector during a routine inspection of a veterinary practice:

  • 2 x 50ml Bottle of Amikavet 125mg/ml
  • 2 Boxes of 10 doses of Tildren 5mg/ml
  • 1 Box of 10 doses of Tildren 5mg/ml (6 doses remaining)

These products are non-UK veterinary products. They can only be administered under Schedule 4 (Administration of a veterinary medicinal product outside the terms of a marketing authorisation) of the Veterinary Medicines Regulations 2013 (VMR) by vets who hold a valid Special Import Certificate (SIC). No such certificates were held by this practice.

The administration of these products is an offence under Regulation 8 (Administration of the product).

The possession of these products is an offence under regulation 26 (Possession of an unauthorised veterinary medicinal product) of the VMR.

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Published 22 January 2020