Medical device alerts archived in September 2015

A list of all medical device alerts that were archived in September 2015.

We’ve reviewed all our medical device alerts and have archived the ones listed below.

Refence Title
MDA/2014/032 Gastrostomy devices - risk of infection
MDA/2014/033 Insulin syringe 1ml safety syringe 27G - unable to deliver fewer than 7 units of insulin
MDA/2014/034 Basin/bowl liner or equipment cover (drape) - risk of small cracks or holes
MDA/2014/036 Portex® endotracheal tube holder (2.5mm and 3.0mm) - risk of extubation or delay to therapy
MDA/2014/043 Gel-E Donut and Squishon 2 neonatal and paediatric support devices - risk of infection, breathing difficulties and allergic reactions
Published 1 October 2015