Child Benefit

You can continue to claim Child Benefit when you’re in prison if:

  • your child is with you in prison
  • the child you’re claiming for for is living with someone else and you pay an equivalent sum to them

You can also ask to transfer the Child Benefit payment to someone else.

If your child is being cared for by the local council, your Child Benefit payments will stop after 8 weeks.

If your child goes to prison or is on remand

Your Child Benefit payments will stop after 8 weeks if your child goes to prison or is on remand. You’ll get arrears if they’re cleared of the offence.

Looking after someone else’s child

You may be able to claim Child Benefit and Guardian’s Allowance if you look after your partner’s child or someone else’s child while they’re in prison.

You may also be able to to claim Child Tax Credit.