Taking a test

You’ll take the exams at the end of your course - usually on the last day. The exams are always done in person at the training centre.

The exams are multiple choice and are usually online, but they can also be on paper. The training centre will provide you with all of the necessary learning materials.

You’ll have to take an exam for each module you trained for.

Your test results

Your training provider should give you your test result.

When you’ll get your test result depends on the format of your test.

If you take a test online, you’ll get your result immediately after your test

If your test is on paper, you’ll get your result within 20 working days. Contact your training provider if you have not had your result in that time.

If you fail your test

You can retake the test for the module that you’ve failed within 16 weeks without retaking the training - you can take the test as many times as you want to.

If your test is online, you can take it again on the same day as the one you failed.

If your test is on paper, you’ll need to wait to receive your results before retaking the test.