AAIB investigation to XA42, G-XTME

Canopy detached in flight, White Waltham, 10 June 2015.


Shortly after takeoff from Runway 03 at White Waltham Airfield, passing 400 ft agl, the one piece bubble canopy opened and was torn off by the slipstream. The pilot flew a modified circuit and landed on Runway 07 without further incident. Neither occupant was injured. The canopy was recovered from the airfield, but had been destroyed.

Both occupants of the aircraft believed, before take-off, that the canopy was closed; however, the pilot considered that the canopy opened in flight because it was not properly secured, despite appearances. He reported that he would be conducting more robust canopy security checks in the future.

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XA42, G-XTME 08-08

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Published 13 August 2015