Gordon Piggott v The Financial Services Authority: FIN/2002/0007

Upper Tribunal Tax and Chancery decision of Judge Brice, Judge Blair QC, Member Clayton and Member Farquharson ACA on 13 June 2003.

Read the full decision in Gordon Piggott v The Financial Services Authority: FIN/2002/0007.

DISCIPLINARY POWERS - amount of penalty determined by Interim Tribunal - whether fresh evidence has come to light about ability to pay - whether determination of Interim Tribunal justified in the light of the fresh evidence - whether penalty should be reduced – public censure in the alternative - matter remitted to Authority with directions - Financial Services and Markets Act 2000 ss 66(3), 133 and 426 - 428 - Financial Services and Markets Act 2000 (Transitional Provisions) (Partly Completed Procedures) Order 2001 SI 2001 No 3592 Art 62.

Published 1 December 2016