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From HM Revenue & Customs (HMRC)
  • Update your details, find out how much you’ll get paid and tell HMRC about a change in your circumstances

  • How to start a tax credits claim, when to claim, joint claims, backdate a claim

    • How to claim

      Tax credits have been replaced by Universal Credit. You can only make a…

    • When to claim

      Apply as soon as you know you’re eligible so you get all the money you’re…

    • Joint claims

      You can apply for tax credits as a single person, or as a couple (known as…

    • Backdate a claim

      When you make a claim, your tax credits are usually backdated…

    • What counts as income

      Usually, what you’re entitled to is based on your income for the last tax…

    • Work out your hours

      Put the number of hours you work in a normal week on your claim form. Add…

  • Working Tax Credit - how much money you get, hours you need to work, eligibility, claim, tax credits when you stop work or go on leave

    • Eligibility

      You can only make a claim for Working Tax Credit if you already get Child…

    • What you'll get

      You get a basic amount and extra (known as ‘elements’) on top of this. How…

    • How to claim

      You can only make a claim for Working Tax Credit if you already get Child…

    • Leave and gaps in your employment

      You can get Working Tax Credit for periods when you do not work. For…

  • Tax credit overpayments - repaying tax credits, repayment methods, what to do if you cannot repay

  • How to renew your tax credits claim, including the application deadline, renewal pack and how long it takes

  • Why tax credits go up, down or stop - changes to your family or work life you need to report such as a change of address.

  • Your tax credit payments - find out when they're due and early payment dates for bank holidays

  • Guidance and forms for claiming or renewing tax credits. Including childcare costs, payment dates, leaving or coming to the UK, overpayments and reporting changes.

  • Child Tax Credits if you're responsible for one child or more - how much you get, eligibility, claim tax credits

  • Tax credits - appeals, appeal form, how to make a complaint.