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7 results sorted by Relevance
  • Desde 01/04/2014 a missão diplomática britânica no Brasil não faz notices of marriage and certificates of non impediment a cidadãos britânicos.

  • The UK Space Agency is funding research into refuelling an upcoming mission to remove space junk, which could help prolong the life of satellites and prevent adding more debris to the space environment.  

  • Updates, news and events from the UK government in UK Mission to the United Nations, New York

  • Apply for a Temporary Work - Religious Worker visa to do religious work in the UK - getting sponsored, fees, eligibility, family members

  • Royal Air Force Tornado GR4 aircraft have been in action over Iraq today in the fight against ISIL.

    First published during the 2010 to 2015 Conservative and Liberal Democrat coalition government

  • Concurso cultural do #UKinBrazil premiará três participantes com brindes autografados pelo escritor, produtor e ator britânico Mark Gatiss

    First published during the 2010 to 2015 Conservative and Liberal Democrat coalition government

  • Mark Boleat visited Lisbon on 11-12 February to promote the City as a European asset and highlight the role it can play in the EU growth agenda

    First published during the 2010 to 2015 Conservative and Liberal Democrat coalition government