TCM0370440 - Stopping tax credits: work lists (unprocessed): NINO, P marker or IYSD not present (Info)

Archived 19/07/2016

When you are working the Unprocessed In Year S17 work list, you may notice that some of the work items on the Maintain Worklist screen do not contain

  • the customer’s NI number
  • a ‘P’ marker (for priority cases where IS, JSA or PC is present)
  • the In Year Specified Date (IYSD).

In these cases, you must access Function CAPTURE IN YEAR S17 FINALISATION from the work list and, on the Declaration screen, select ‘Process’.

When you do this, the work item (if it still exists) should display the correct relevant details on the Maintain Worklist screen.

Note: It will not be possible to identify that there is not a ‘P’ marker from the Unprocessed In Year S17 work list. However, you may become aware that this is not displayed whilst working the case in other functions.

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