SW05620 - Member Roles: Add a Role to a Room

The BAO learning package SW02220 sets out the steps a BAO must take to add a role to a Room.

When creating a new role the BAO must consider:

  • whether the role is for use by HMRC Members or Customer Members;
  • whether the role type is for BAOs, Customer Nominated Contacts (CNC), Observers or Participants;
  • the name of the role.

HMRC or Customer Member Role

When creating a new role for HMRC members, the title of the role must be preceded by the letters HMRC (please see examples below).

New roles created for Customer members must be preceded by their organisation name.

If the role is not prefixed by HMRC it will not be possible to assign HMRC members to the role. It also means that external Customers could mistakenly be assigned to the role.

A role must only contain:

  • all HMRC members; or
  • all Customer members from one organisation.

It must not contain:

  • a mix of HMRC and Customer members; or
  • Customer members from two or more organisations.

The BAO must also consider whether the role is to enable its members to be Participants or Observers:

  • A Participant role allows its members to view and amend items with the Room.
  • An Observer role only allows its members to view items within the Room.


  1. The CNC role is always a Participant role.
  2. The BAO role is always a Co-coordinator role.
  3. Shared Workspace Access Controls SW07410 allow the BAO to control what items within a Room all roles have access to, with the exception of the BAO who is able to access all items.

Naming the Role

It is HMRC policy that the role name must reflect the Organisation and role type in the following format:

HMRC/Name of Organisation - Optional description - role type in brackets

Note: The role type will be BAO, CNC, Participant or Observer.

For example

HMRC Case Workers (Participant)
A UK Business (CNC)
A UK Business Tax Adviser (Participant)
A UK Business (Observer)

Note: Other Government Departments and agencies SW09145 are treated as Customer Organisations in Shared Workspace. Their roles must be prefixed by OGD and their name

For example

OGD HM Treasury (CNC)
OGD HM Treasury Managers (Participant)
OGD HM Treasury (Observer)