World news story

Kosovo Security Force (KSF) officers make history

For the first time in history three KSF officers will simultaneously attend, the Royal Military Academy Sandhurst (RMAS) Commissioning course.

This was published under the 2010 to 2015 Conservative and Liberal Democrat coalition government
2Lt Besfort Kruma, Lt Fitore Fazliu and 2Lt Ismail Hoxha

2Lt Besfort Kruma, Lt Fitore Fazliu and 2Lt Ismail Hoxha

Lieutenant Fitore Fazliu, Second Lieutenant Ismail Hoxha and Second Lieutenant Besfort Kruma will join Commissioning Course 151, starting on 4 January 2015, joining 100 plus officer cadets from the UK, as well as cadets from 20 other countries.

To date nine KSF officers have successfully completed RMAS and it is hoped that at least a further four will attend Sandhurst in 2015. RMAS, is a world famous military leadership institution, and the Commissioning Course covers military, practical and academic subjects and is known as one of the most mentally and physically demanding initial officer courses on the globe. Its aim is to develop commanders of courage and willpower, with the temperament for decisive action in difficult and dangerous circumstances. Just importantly it also fosters attitudes to integrity, selflessness and loyalty, which set Sandhurst officers apart from others.

Second Lieutenant Ismail Hoxha who has been in the UK since September 14 on pre-language and cultural training in preparation for the Commissioning course said:

I am really looking forward to the challenge of the course, as I know it is going to be very demanding but I am here to learn and hopefully bring back new knowledge; ideas and experiences that will be beneficial to the KSF.

Lieutenant Colonel David Jones, Adviser to COM KSF said:

It is fantastic to have three young KSF officers attending RMAS in one calendar year, never mind on the same course. The UK have really pushed hard this year to support the KSF in officer training and it is hoped that these individuals’ experience and training will pay real long term dividends for the leadership of the KSF.

*[KSF] Kosovo Security Force *[RMAS] Royal Military Academy Sandhurst

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Published 30 December 2014