Official Statistics

Musculoskeletal diseases profile: December 2018 update

Update of data on musculoskeletal conditions and services for local populations in England.


Musculoskeletal diseases profile


The musculoskeletal diseases profile tool has been updated.

This update includes one new indicator to the profiles and an update of 3 existing indicators. See the attached indicator updates document for full details of the indicators being added or revised.

The musculoskeletal diseases profile tool has been designed to bring together meaningful data on a single platform, to enable the commissioning of high value musculoskeletal services. Data are provided in a user-friendly format to help local government and health services:

  • understand the health needs of their populations
  • see how many people are accessing services in their areas
  • find out the cost and outcomes of services

View the musculoskeletal diseases profile

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Published 4 December 2018

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