Official Statistics

DCMS Coronavirus Impact Business Survey - Round 2 Questionnaire

Published 23 September 2020

1. Questionnaire - Round 2 - Coronavirus outbreak Impacts on organisations in DCMS sectors

The purpose of this survey is to understand the impact of the Coronavirus outbreak on organisations in the digital, culture, media, sport, gambling, telecoms, tourism and charitable sectors and their engagement with the available government interventions.

This survey has been commissioned by the Department for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport (DCMS) to better understand the needs of its stakeholders. Your answer will remain anonymous and will be used to inform DCMS’ preparedness efforts.

This is the second round of the DCMS Coronavirus Impacts Business Survey. Results from Wave One were collected between 23rd April and 22nd May 2020. These results have been used as evidence to support the development of recent policy interventions.

We have tested the survey and found that, on average it takes around 10-20 minutes to complete. This time may vary depending on factors such as your Internet connection speed and the answers you give.

1.1 Which ONE of the following sectors does your organisation MAINLY operate in? (Please select the option that best applies)

  1. Tourism and Hospitality
  2. Digital and Tech
  3. Performing Arts
  4. Cyber Security
  5. Museums, Galleries and Heritage
  6. Telecoms
  7. Sport
  8. Voluntary, Community and Social Enterprise
  9. Film, TV, Video, Radio and Cinema
  10. Events and Exhibitions
  11. Creative Industries and Publishing (including music, architecture, design, fashion, crafts, video games, advertising and marketing)
  12. Other [open] please specify
  13. Gambling.

1.2 You previously indicated that your organisation operates in the Tourism and Hospitality industry.

Which ONE, if any, of the following sub-sectors does your organisation mainly operate in? (Please select the option that best applies)

  1. Visitor attractions
  2. Tour operators/travel agencies
  3. Accommodation
  4. Food and beverage
  5. Transportation
  6. Other [open] please specify

1.3 You previously indicated that your organisation operates in the Museums, Galleries and Heritage industry.

Which ONE, if any, of the following sub-sectors does your organisation mainly operate in? (Please select the option that best applies)

  1. Museum, excluding museums located in heritage sites
  2. Heritage site
  3. Gallery
  4. Other [open] please specify

1.4 You previously indicated that your organisation operates in the Film, TV, Video, Radio and Cinema industry.

Which ONE, if any, of the following sub-sectors does your organisation mainly operate in? (Please select the option that best applies)

  1. Film
  2. TV
  3. Radio
  4. Cinema, including multi-use sites
  5. Video
  6. Other [open] please specify

1.5 You previously indicated that your organisation operates in the Creative Industries and Publishing industry.

Which ONE, if any, of the following sub-sectors does your organisation mainly operate in? (Please select the option that best applies)

  1. Advertising and Marketing
  2. Music Production
  3. Music Exhibition (e.g. venues, arenas)
  4. Newspaper Publishing
  5. Other Publishing (e.g. academic publishing, books, magazines, etc.)
  6. Design and Designer Fashion
  7. Video Game Development, Publishing, esports
  8. Architecture
  9. Crafts
  10. Other [open] please specify

1.6 You previously indicated that your organisation operates in the Events and Exhibitions industry.

Which ONE, if any, of the following sub-sectors does your organisation mainly operate in? (Please select the option that best applies)

  1. Business events, conferences, seminars and workshops, trade shows and exhibitions 2.Music festivals and events
  2. Literary festivals and events
  3. Comedy festivals and events
  4. Film festivals and events
  5. Arts festivals and events
  6. Other [open] please specify

1.7 For the following question, by “customers”, we mean individuals who receive goods or services from your organisation. This could be paid for, or for free of charge.

1.8 Thinking about your organisation’s trading activities and interaction with customers before the Coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak in the UK (i.e. before March 2020)…

In which, if any, of the following settings did your organisation primarily operate when trading and interacting with customers? (Please select the option that best applies)

  1. Remotely (e.g. online, on the phone etc.)
  2. At an indoor venue (e.g. a shop, office etc.)
  3. At an outdoor venue
  4. Other [open] please specify
  5. Don’t know/ can’t recall

1.9 Where in Britain do you MAINLY work?

  1. England
  2. Scotland
  3. Northern Ireland
  4. Wales
  5. Elsewhere (i.e. outside of Great Britain)

1.10 Where in England do you MAINLY work?

  1. North East
  2. North West
  3. Yorkshire and the Humber
  4. East Midlands
  5. West Midlands
  6. East of England
  7. London
  8. South East
  9. South West
  10. Elsewhere (i.e. outside of Great Britain)

1.11 Approximately how many people are employed by your company/employer in the country you live in?

  1. 1 (just me)
  2. 2
  3. 3 to 5
  4. 6 to 9
  5. 10 to 19
  6. 20 to 34
  7. 35 to 49
  8. 50 to 99
  9. 100 to 249
  10. 250 to 499
  11. 500 to 999
  12. 1,000 or more
  13. Don’t know
  14. Not applicable - I am not currently employed

1.12 How old is the company that you work for? If you are unsure, please select don’t know.

  1. Up to 1 year
  2. Over 1 year up to 2 years
  3. Over 2 years up to 5 years
  4. Over 5 years up to 10 years
  5. Over 10 years up to 20 years
  6. Over 20 years up to 35 years
  7. Over 35 years up to 50 years
  8. Over 50 years up to 75 years
  9. Over 75 years up to 100 years
  10. Over 100 years
  11. Don’t know
  12. Not applicable

1.13 What was the turnover of your company in the last financial year? Please give your best estimate if you are unsure.

  1. First year of trading
  2. Less than £25,000
  3. £25,000 to £49,999
  4. £50,000 to £99,999
  5. £100,000 to £249,999
  6. £250,000 to £499,999
  7. £500,000 to £999,999
  8. £1 million to £1.9 million
  9. £2 million to £2.9 million
  10. £3 million to £4.9 million
  11. £5 million to £9.9 million
  12. £10 million to £19.9 million
  13. £20 million to £34.9 million
  14. £35 million to £49.9 million
  15. £50 million to £99.9 million
  16. £100 million to £249.9 million
  17. £250 million to £499.9 million
  18. £500 million to £749.9 million
  19. £750 million to £999.9 million
  20. £1 billion or more
  21. Don’t know
  22. Not applicable
  23. Prefer not to answer

1.14 For the following questions, please think about your organisation’s trading status and financial resilience during the Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic…

Please include any actions that you can take (or have taken) to help your organisation, such as taking mitigating actions and drawing on any financial reserves and credit (including Government support packages).

Approximately, how long do you estimate that your organisation can continue to trade/ be a viable entity? (Please select the option that best applies. If you are unsure, please give your best estimate. If your organisation is no longer trading, please select the “Not applicable” option)

  1. Less than 1 month
  2. More than 1 month, up to 3 months
  3. More than 3 months, up to 6 months
  4. More than 6 months
  5. Not applicable - My organisation is no longer trading
  6. Don’t know

1.15 Has your organisation entirely paused trading at any point since March 2020?

  1. Yes, it has
  2. No, it has not
  3. Don’t know

1.16 Which, if any, of the following statements BEST describes the current trading status of your organisation?

  1. My organisation is currently trading and had been trading before the 4th of July
  2. My organisation started trading since the 4th of July, after a pause in trading
  3. My organisation has paused trading but intends to restart before the end of August
  4. My organisation has paused trading and does not intend to restart before the end of August
  5. My organisation has permanently ceased trading during the Coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak
  6. Other
  7. Don’t know

1.17 For the following questions, please now think about the impact of the Coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak on your organisation’s revenue sources.

Please think about your organisation’s expected monthly revenue for this time of the year compared to its actual revenue over the last month.

Approximately, by how much has your organisation’s revenue decreased, increased or remained the same compared to what was expected over the last month? (Please select the option that best applies. If you are unsure, please give your best estimate)

  1. Decreased by 100% or more
  2. Decreased by 75% - 99%
  3. Decreased by 50% - 74%
  4. Decreased by 25% - 49%
  5. Decreased by 1% - 24%
  6. Remained the same
  7. Increased by 1% - 24%
  8. Increased by 25% - 49%
  9. Increased by 50% - 74%
  10. Increased by 75% - 99%
  11. Increased by 100% or more
  12. Don’t know

1.18 You previously mentioned that your organisation’s revenue has decreased compared to its expected monthly revenue for this time of the year…

Which, if any, of the following have contributed to this? (Please select all that apply)

  1. Reduced spending from customers
  2. Reduced donations
  3. Cancellation of orders or contracts (i.e. businesses or consumers we supply have cancelled orders)
  4. Reduced Government funding
  5. Partial restriction of operations to comply with social distancing guidelines (e.g. opening with reduced capacity) 6. Wholesale restriction on operations opening (i.e. restrictions on gatherings / live events, non-essential shop closures)
  6. Reduced productivity due to employees working from home
  7. Delayed payments from customers
  8. Employee sickness
  9. Employee special leave due to other caring responsibilities
  10. Employees requiring leave due to childcare
  11. Employees being unable to travel internationally
  12. Being unable to acquire goods or services required to operate
  13. Other [open] please specify
  14. Don’t know

1.19 For the following questions, please think about how your organisation may have had to adapt as sectors begin to re-open and restrictions implemented in response to the Coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak are eased…

In which, if any, of the following ways has your organisation had to adapt its business activities as a result of the Coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak? (Please select all that apply. If your business activity has not changed during the Coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak, please select the “Not applicable” option)

  1. Increased remote working
  2. Moved/ cancelled site of planned events or services
  3. Adjusted on-site working practices to comply with social distancing guidelines
  4. Limited the amount of people who can use our services at the same time
  5. Increased use of automation or self-service solutions
  6. Added sanitation stations around the business
  7. Reduced, simplified or stopped providing some products or services
  8. Diversified the range of products and services on offer
  9. Moved some services we offer to online service
  10. Offered delivery service (i.e. rather than customers coming into store)
  11. Other [open] please specify
  12. Don’t know/ can’t recall
  13. Not applicable - My business activity has not changed

1.20 Which, if any, of the following barriers has your organisation faced when adapting its business activities as a result of the Coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak? (Please select all that apply. If your organisation has not faced any barriers, please select the “Not applicable” option)

  1. Lack of staff
  2. Lack of confidence in consumer demand
  3. Lack of digital skills
  4. Uncertainty over how to adapt, when, and how to remain compliant
  5. Lack of confidence to use digital and technology services
  6. Our organisation is not physically able to adapt (e.g. the goods or services require face to face interaction, there is a reliance on physical materials or equipment etc.) 7.Lack of suitable technological equipment
  7. Business model is not adaptable in a financially viable way (i.e. if we adapted our business activities, our organisation would no longer be viable)
  8. Our physical environment (e.g. office, store, place of work etc.) is difficult to adapt
  9. Lack of financial resources or funding
  10. Not eligible for financial support
  11. Not knowing which adaptation measures are viable for business
  12. Other [open] please specify
  13. Don’t know
  14. Not applicable - My organisation has not faced any barriers

1.21 Please now think about the impact of the Coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak on your organisation’s costs…

For the following question, please think about your organisation’s expected monthly costs for this time of the year compared to its actual costs over the last month. In this estimation, please include any reduction in costs as a result of the Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme and Self-Employment Income Support Scheme, even if you are yet to receive these payments.

Approximately, by how much has your organisation’s costs decreased, increased or remained the same compared to what was expected over the last month? (Please select the option that best applies. If you are unsure, please give your best estimate)

  1. Decreased by 100% or more
  2. Decreased by 75% - 99%
  3. Decreased by 50% - 74%
  4. Decreased by 25% - 49%
  5. Decreased by 1% - 24%
  6. Remained the same
  7. Increased by 1% - 24%
  8. Increased by 25% - 49%
  9. Increased by 50% - 74%
  10. Increased by 75% - 99%
  11. Increased by 100% or more
  12. Don’t know
  1. 0%
  2. 1% - 24%
  3. 25% - 49%
  4. 50% - 74%
  5. 75% - 100%
  6. Don’t know

1.23 Which, if any, of the following types of mitigating actions has your organisation taken in order to maintain revenue or reduce costs in response to the Coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak?

(Please select all that apply. If your organisation has not taken any mitigating actions, please select the “Not applicable” option)

  1. Accessing government support packages, excluding for furloughing employees
  2. Making insurance claims
  3. Temporarily reducing service/ production (e.g. reducing opening hours, reducing staff hours, etc.)
  4. Furloughing employees (using the Coronavirus Job Retention scheme allowing organisations to grant temporary absence)
  5. Terminating temporary employee contracts/ reducing zero-hours contracts (i.e. by reducing their hours to 0) Other
  6. Making employees redundant
  7. Adjusting supply chains/ renegotiating contracts
  8. Delaying payments to creditors
  9. Reducing staff hours
  10. Amending staff contracts
  11. Don’t know
  12. Not applicable - my organisation is not currently taking any mitigating actions

1.24 You previously mentioned that your organisation has made employees redundant…

Thinking about the total number of employees you had just before the Coronavirus outbreak (i.e. late February 2020)…

Approximately, what proportion of your organisation’s employees have been made redundant? (Please select the option that best applies. If you are unsure, please give your best estimate)

  1. 1% - 24%
  2. 25% - 49%
  3. 50% - 74%
  4. 75% - 100%
  5. Don’t know

1.25 You previously mentioned that your organisation has furloughed employees using the Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme.

Approximately, what proportion of your organisation’s employees have been furloughed (i.e. granted temporary absence as part of the Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme)? (Please select the option that best applies. If you are unsure, please give your best estimate)

  1. 0% (i.e. no one is currently furloughed)
  2. 1% - 24%
  3. 25% - 49%
  4. 50% - 74%
  5. 75% - 100%
  6. Don’t know

1.26 The Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme is due to continue until the end of October 2020.

What does your organisation currently anticipate doing when the furlough scheme ends?

  1. My organisation expects to bring back furloughed workers at normal hours
  2. My organisation expects to bring back furloughed workers at reduced hours
  3. My organisation expects to make redundancies to furloughed workers
  4. Don’t know

1.27 The following question shows support packages that have been announced by the Government that SMEs can apply for.

Which ONE, if any, of the following BEST describes how your organisation has engaged with each of the following support packages? (Please select one option on each row. If your organisation is not eligible for any of these types of support, please select the “Not applicable” option)

  • Statutory Sick Pay relief package for small and medium sized businesses (SMEs)
  • Small business grant funding of £10,000 for all business in receipt of small business rate relief, rural rate relief and tapered relief
  • The Coronavirus Business Interruption Loan Scheme offering loans of up to £5 million for SMEs through the British Business Bank
  • Bounce Back Loans scheme, which will provide loans of between £2,000 and £50,000, interest free for the first 12 months with access to cash within days
  1. Received this support
  2. Application in progress
  3. Have not applied, but are considering it
  4. Have not applied, and not considering it
  5. Don’t know
  6. Not applicable - not eligible

1.28 The following question shows support packages that have been announced by the Government which the self-employed can apply for. If you/ your organisation is not eligible for any of these types of support (e.g. because you are not self-employed), please select the “Not applicable” option.

Which ONE, if any, of the following BEST describes how you/ your organisation has engaged with each of the following support packages? (Please select one option on each row)

  • The Self-employment Income Support Scheme - which will provide grants worth 80% of their profits up to a cap of £2,500 per month, to those who have profits of less than £50,000
  • Increased amounts of Universal Credit for self-employed
  1. Received this support
  2. Application in progress
  3. Have not applied, but are considering it
  4. Have not applied, and not considering it
  5. Don’t know
  6. Not applicable - not eligible

1.29 The following question shows other support packages that have been announced by the Government which businesses can apply for.

Which ONE, if any, of the following BEST describes how your organisation has engaged with each of the following support packages? (Please select one option on each row. If your organisation is not eligible for any of these types of support, please select the “Not applicable” option)

  • Trade Credit Insurance, with the Government to provide guarantees of up to £10 billion to Trade Credit Insurance schemes for business-to-business transactions
  • Grant funding of £25,000 for retail, hospitality and leisure businesses with property with a rateable value between £15,000 and £51,000
  • The HMRC Time To Pay Scheme, where businesses and self-employed people in financial distress, and those with outstanding tax liabilities, may be eligible to receive support with their tax affairs
  • The Coronavirus Large Business Interruption Loan Scheme enabling banks to loan up to £25 million to firms with an annual turnover of between £45 million and £500 million
  • The Coronavirus Corporate Financing Facility, a new lending facility from the Bank of England to help support liquidity among larger firms, helping them bridge coronavirus disruption to their cash flows through loans
  • Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme (all UK employers with a PAYE scheme that was created and started on or before 28 February 2020, will be able to access support)
  1. Received this support
  2. Application in progress
  3. Have not applied, but are considering it
  4. Have not applied, and not considering it
  5. Don’t know
  6. Not applicable - not eligible

1.30 What, if any, other Government funds or schemes (i.e. that were not mentioned in the above questions) has your organisation received support from?

(Please type your answer(s) in the box below) Open text box

  1. Not applicable - My organisation hasn’t received support from any other government funds or schemes