Official Statistics

Cancer services profiles: short statistical commentary, December 2019

Published 3 December 2019

New in this update

All indicators have been updated with the 2018/19 financial year of data, except for the crude cancer incidence rate which has been updated with data from 2017/18.

Main findings

The latest updates show that in 2018/19:

  • 71.6% and 72.6% of females attended breast cancer and cervical screening within the target period respectively. For bowel cancer screening, 58.0% of 60-74 years olds attended in the last 30 months.
  • For diagnostic investigations per 100,000 population, there were 775 colonoscopy procedures, 1,245 upper gastro-intestinal (GI) endoscopy procedures and 564 sigmoidoscopy procedures performed.
  • There were 3,675 two-week wait (TWW) referrals per 100,000 population. The proportion of new cancer cases treated that were referred by TWW (detection rate) was 53.2%.
  • The number of new malignant cancer cases was updated for 2017/18, reporting 299,709 new cases respectively (excluding non-melanoma skin cancer). The incidence for 2017/18 was 507 cases per 100,000 population.
  • The rate of individuals diagnosed with cancer through an emergency route was 84 per 100,000 population.


30 indicators in the Cancer Services profile have been updated to include the latest financial year of data that are available (2018/19), collated by the National Cancer Registration and Analysis Service (NCRAS). The cancer incidence indicator has been updated to include the 2017/18 data.

The profiles are for commissioners and health professionals to use when assessing the impact of cancer in their local population and making decisions about services. The indicators provide information on demographics; cancer screening; TWW referrals; diagnostic services; emergency presentations and admissions by GP practices, CCG and at National level.

Data are shown for the 6,960 GP practices which have a list size of ≥1000 patients and were either listed in the QOF 2018/19 or were listed in both the ADS and GPPS datasets.

Further Information

Please follow the links for more details on the following:

Cancer Services profile

Public Health England’s 5-year approach to cancer from 2017 to 2021

Cancer Research UK’s Facilitator Programme

Responsible lead: Ruth Swann, CRUK-PHE Partnership For queries relating to this publication, please contact

First published: December 2019