Statistical data set

Price Paid Data

Download the Price Paid Data (PPD) in text or CSV format and access our linked data.

Our Price Paid Data includes information on all property sales in England and Wales that are sold for value and are lodged with us for registration.

Get up to date with the permitted use of our Price Paid Data:
check what to consider when using or publishing our Price Paid Data

Using or publishing our Price Paid Data

If you use or publish our Price Paid Data, you must add the following attribution statement:

Contains HM Land Registry data © Crown copyright and database right 2021. This data is licensed under the Open Government Licence v3.0.

Price Paid Data is released under the Open Government Licence (OGL). You need to make sure you understand the terms of the OGL before using the data.

Under the OGL, HM Land Registry permits you to use the Price Paid Data for commercial or non-commercial purposes. However, OGL does not cover the use of third party rights, which we are not authorised to license.

Price Paid Data contains address data processed against Ordnance Survey’s AddressBase Premium product, which incorporates Royal Mail’s PAF® database (Address Data). Royal Mail and Ordnance Survey permit your use of Address Data in the Price Paid Data:

  • for personal and/or non-commercial use
  • to display for the purpose of providing residential property price information services

If you want to use the Address Data in any other way, you must contact Royal Mail. Email

Address data

The following fields comprise the address data included in Price Paid Data:

  • Postcode
  • PAON Primary Addressable Object Name (typically the house number or name)
  • SAON Secondary Addressable Object Name – if there is a sub-building, for example, the building is divided into flats, there will be a SAON
  • Street
  • Locality
  • Town/City
  • District
  • County

August 2024 data (current month)

The August 2024 release includes:

  • the first release of data for August 2024 (transactions received from the first to the last day of the month)
  • updates to earlier data releases
  • Standard Price Paid Data (SPPD) and Additional Price Paid Data (APPD) transactions

As we will be adding to the August data in future releases, we would not recommend using it in isolation as an indication of market or HM Land Registry activity. When the full dataset is viewed alongside the data we’ve previously published, it adds to the overall picture of market activity.

Your use of Price Paid Data is governed by conditions and by downloading the data you are agreeing to those conditions.

Google Chrome (Chrome 88 onwards) is blocking downloads of our Price Paid Data. Please use another internet browser while we resolve this issue. We apologise for any inconvenience caused.

We update the data on the 20th working day of each month. You can download the:

Single file

These include standard and additional price paid data transactions received at HM Land Registry from 1 January 1995 to the most current monthly data.

Your use of Price Paid Data is governed by conditions and by downloading the data you are agreeing to those conditions.

The data is updated monthly and the average size of this file is 3.7 GB, you can download:

Yearly file

The files include standard and additional price paid data transactions received at HM Land Registry in the period from 1 January to 31 December for each year.

Your use of Price Paid Data is governed by conditions and by downloading the data you are agreeing to those conditions.

The data is updated monthly and the sizes of these files range from 115 MB to 230 MB. If you are having trouble downloading any of the year files in full, they are also available as two smaller, evenly split CSV files.


You can download:


You can download:


You can download:


You can download:


You can download:


You can download:

View the previous year’s data.

Linked data

Access the Price Paid Data (PPD) as machine-readable linked data.

Use our Price Paid Data report builder to build bespoke reports based on location, estate type, price paid or property type over a defined period of time.

Accuracy of the data

Price paid information is not personal, but property-related information. All commercial transactions, sales that have not been lodged with HM Land Registry or sales that were not for value are excluded. See Data excluded from Price Paid Data for more information.

We try to make sure that our public data is accurate, but cannot guarantee that it is free from errors or fit for your purpose or use. Reports are based on data collected at the time a property transaction is registered with us and will not necessarily be up to date with the most recent information. See accuracy of the data for more information.

If you have found an error with the data, please contact HM Land Registry using our change a sales record form.

Updates to this page

Published 24 July 2014
Last updated 27 September 2024 + show all updates
  1. Added August 2024 data.

  2. Added July 2024 data.

  3. Added June 2024 data.

  4. Added May 2024 data.

  5. Added April 2024 data.

  6. Added March 2024 data.

  7. Added February 2024 data.

  8. Added January 2024 data.

  9. Added December 2023 data.

  10. Added the 2023 yearly file.

  11. Added November 2023 data.

  12. Added October 2023 data.

  13. Added September 2023 data.

  14. Added August 2023 data.

  15. Added July 2023 data.

  16. Added June 2023 data.

  17. Added May 2023 data.

  18. Added April 2023 data.

  19. Added March 2023 data.

  20. Added February 2023 data.

  21. Added January 2023 data.

  22. Added December 2022 data.

  23. Added November 2022 data.

  24. Added October 2022 data.

  25. Added September 2022 data.

  26. Added August 2022 data.

  27. Added July 2022 data.

  28. Added June 2022 data.

  29. Added May 2022 data.

  30. Added April 2022 data.

  31. Added 2022 yearly files and added the March 2022 data.

  32. Added February 2022 data.

  33. Added January 2022 data.

  34. Added December 2021 data.

  35. Added November 2021 data.

  36. Added October 2021 data.

  37. Added September 2021 data.

  38. Added August 2021 data.

  39. Added July 2021 data.

  40. Added June 2021 data.

  41. Added May 2021 data and changes to local authority geography in England.

  42. Added April 2021 data.

  43. Added March 2021 data.

  44. Added 2021 yearly files.

  45. Added February 2021 data.

  46. Added January 2021 data.

  47. Added December 2020 data.

  48. Added November 2020 data.

  49. Added October 2020 data.

  50. Added September data.

  51. Added August data.

  52. Added July 2020 data.

  53. Added June 2020 data.

  54. Added May 2020 data.

  55. Added April 2020 data. Due to the impact of coronavirus (COVID-19) on HM Land Registry operations, the figures for April 2020 should not be used as an accurate marker of activity in the land and property market. The data will be updated in future months.

  56. Added March 2020 data.

  57. Added February 2020 data and 2020 yearly files.

  58. Added January 2020 data.

  59. Added December 2019 data.

  60. Added November 2019 data.

  61. Added October 2019 data.

  62. September data added

  63. July 2019 data added.

  64. Changed 'full market value' to 'value' from the Price Paid Data description.

  65. June 2019 data added.

  66. May 2019 data added.

  67. April 2019 data added.

  68. March data and a table to detail changes to local government in England from 1 April 2019 added.

  69. February 2019 data added.

  70. January 2019 data added.

  71. December 2018 data added.

  72. November 2018 data added.

  73. October 2018 data added.

  74. September 2018 data added

  75. August 2018 data added.

  76. July 2018 data added.

  77. June 2018 data added.

  78. May 2018 data added.

  79. April 2018 added.

  80. March data added.

  81. February data added

  82. January 2018 data added.

  83. December data added.

  84. November 2017 data and information about duplicate cancelled sales added.

  85. October 2017 data added.

  86. September data added.

  87. August 2017 data added.

  88. July data added.

  89. June data added.

  90. May data added.

  91. April data added.

  92. March 2017 data added.

  93. Conditions for reuse of Price Paid Data updated.

  94. February data added.

  95. January data added.

  96. December data added

  97. November data added.

  98. October data added.

  99. September 2016 data added

  100. August 2016 data added

  101. July 2016 data added

  102. June 2016 data added.

  103. May 2016 data added.

  104. Date has been changed to April 2016.

  105. March 2016 data added.

  106. February 2016 data added.

  107. January 2016 data added

  108. December 2015 data added. 'Additional Price Paid Data: Historic file' removed, as we no longer publish this.

  109. November 2015 data added

  110. We added October 2015 data and Additional Price Paid Data, historic file is now available until January 2016.

  111. We added: September 2015 data and information about Additional Price Paid Data, historic file (available from 28 October to 27 November 2015).

  112. August 2015 data added

  113. July 2015 data added

  114. June 2015 data added

  115. May 2015 data added

  116. April 2015 data added

  117. March 2015 data added

  118. February 2015 data added

  119. Remove list of Corrections (2003, 2004 and 2005 data)

  120. New January 2015 Price paid data

  121. December 2014 data added

  122. November data added

  123. Link to to October files

  124. September PPD added

  125. New PPD files for August 2014

  126. First published.