Statistical data set

HGV drivers vacancies (RFS03)

Data about Heavy Good Vehicle (HGV) driver vacancies, collected as part of the Road Freight Haulage survey. These statistics are badged as official statistics.

HGV driver vacancies

RFS0301: HGV businesses reporting HGV driver vacancies (ODS, 59.4 KB)

RFS0302: Reasons which contributed to HGV driver vacancies (ODS, 65.6 KB)

RFS0303: HGV businesses reporting HGV driver vacancies (ODS, 59.4 KB)

Hourly wage increases for HGV drivers

RFS0304: HGV businesses reporting increasing the wages of HGV drivers in the preceding 3 months (ODS, 63.4 KB)

RFS0305: Amount of hourly wage increases for HGV drivers (ODS, 61.6 KB)

RFS0306: Reasons for increasing wages of HGV drivers (ODS, 62.9 KB)

Financial incentive paid to HGV drivers

RFS0307: HGV businesses reporting paying an incentive to HGV drivers in the preceding 3 months (ODS, 63.6 KB)

RFS0308: Amount of financial incentive paid by HGV businesses to HGV drivers (ODS, 61.3 KB)

Response rates

RFS0309: Survey response rates to the HGV driver vacancy section in the Road Freight Haulage survey (ODS, 33.7 KB)

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Published 16 November 2023
Last updated 14 March 2024 + show all updates
  1. Data tables updated to the latest data.

  2. First published.