Written statement to Parliament

Investment in green buses

£20 million extra for Green Bus Fund and investment in carbon buses return toolkit announced.

This was published under the 2010 to 2015 Conservative and Liberal Democrat coalition government
The Rt Hon Norman Baker

I am pleased to announce today (6 November 2012) that the department is making a further £20 million available to help bus operators and local authorities in England buy low carbon emission buses through a fourth round of the Green Bus Fund.

Operators and authorities will be able to bid for a share of this funding to meet the additional up-front cost of purchasing these buses, and we calculate that this will allow for around 300 new low carbon buses to be bought. This investment will aid the department’s overarching objectives of helping to create growth and cut carbon, as well as help to support UK manufacturers.

A guidance document will be published later this month giving more details of how bus operators and local authorities can bid for a share of this fund. Copies of this will be placed at the same time in the libraries of the House.

A toolkit has also been published today (6 November 2012) advising bus operators and local authorities on how quickly they can expect a return from investing in low carbon emission buses.

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Published 6 November 2012