Research and analysis

THINK! mobile phones

Information about THINK! mobile phone campaign.

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The strategy for mobile phones is based on demonstrating how using a mobile whilst driving impairs your driving ability and puts you and others at risk. Wider responsibility for the issue has also been encouraged by asking callers to hang up if you know they are driving.

The latest national campaign ran in May 2009, with ‘caller responsibility’ as the lead message within the TV advertisement. In response to emerging trends in texting whilst driving amongst younger drivers, a texting radio advertisement was developed along with sponsorship messages aired during drive time.

The ‘driving challenge’ game, launched in June 2008, demonstrates how using a mobile phone at the wheel causes unintentional blindness. The game promotes the message to ‘Switch off before you drive off’.

Key messages

  • kill the conversation if you know they are driving
  • switch off before you drive off
  • doing 2 things at once whilst driving can cause fatal distraction
  • don’t text and drive

Recent campaign activity

A multimedia campaign used TV, online, radio and press. The driving challenge game received over 320,000 hits during the 4 week campaign period.

Visit the THINK! Mobile phones page to view adverts and play ‘driving challenge’ game.

THINK! Mobile phone research

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Published 3 February 2012

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