Independent report

Status of the social impact investing market

Report on the status of the social impact investing market, prepared for the Cabinet Office by Dr Maximilian Martin, founder and global managing director of Impact Economy.



Status of the Social Impact Investing Market: A Primer (2013) by Dr Maximilian Martin, Founder and Global MD of Impact Economy, prepared for the Cabinet Office.

Prepared for the UK Cabinet Office and distributed to delegates at G8 Forum of Social Impact Investment, this report provides an overview of the social impact investment market. The findings are based on several research activities, including:

  • a screening of almost 200 social impact investment-related reports in the major languages of the G8
  • a dedicated online survey distributed to more than 250 market players from around the world
  • a media search of 26 terms (translated across the G8 languages) related to “social impact investment”
Published 17 July 2013