
NHS newborn blood spot (NBS) screening programme status codes

Updated 4 August 2022

Applies to England

Status code 01

Suggested term used in child health information system (CHIS)

Specimen received in laboratory.

Sub codes

Not applicable.


The same value applies to all screening tests (relates to the blood spot card).

Additional data items to be provided with this status code and entered into CHIS electronically or manually:

  • date sample taken
  • date sample received in laboratory
  • laboratory identifier

Status code 02

Suggested term used in CHIS

(Condition screened for) declined.

Sub codes and descriptions

Sub code 0201

Description: Declined, no history of being screened.

Sub code 0202

Description: Declined, screened in UK (as reported by parents) with no evidence of result.

Sub code 0203

Description: Declined, screened outside UK with evidence of result.

Sub code 0204

Description: Declined, screened outside UK with no evidence of result.

Sub code 0208

Description: Declined, due to epidemic.

Comment: This can be used for all future epidemics or pandemics.

Status code 03

Suggested term used in CHIS

(Condition screened for) Repeat or further sample required.

Sub codes and descriptions

Sub code 0301

Description: Too young for reliable screening.

Comment: This is applied when samples are taken less than 5 days of age. When this code is applied to severe combined immunodeficiency (SCID), no action is required until notified by the laboratory for a repeat request.

Sub code 0302

Description: Too soon after transfusion (< 72 hours).

Sub code 0303

Description: Insufficient sample.

Comment: Includes not enough blood, not soaked through.

Sub code 0304

Description: Unsuitable sample (blood quality): incorrect blood application.

Comment: Incorrect blood application technique. Includes multi-spotted, spotted both sides.

Sub code 0305

Description: Unsuitable sample (blood quality): compressed or damaged.

Comment: Includes compressed, evidence incomplete drying, stained glassine, scratched/abraded/ridged, liquid/water damage/contamination, discoloured spots.

Sub code 0306

Description: Unsuitable sample: day 0 and day 5 on same card.

Sub code 0307

Description: Unsuitable sample for cystic fibrosis (CF): possible faecal contamination.

Sub code 0308

Description: Unsuitable sample: NHS number missing or not accurately recorded.

Sub code 0309

Description: Unsuitable sample: Date of sample missing or not accurately recorded.

Sub code 0310

Description: Unsuitable sample: Date of birth not accurately matched.

Sub code 0311

Description: Unsuitable sample: Expired card used.

Sub code 0312

Description: Unsuitable sample: > 14 days in transit, too old for analysis.

Sub code 0313

Description: Unsuitable sample: Damaged in transit.

Comment: Includes water or liquid damage through outer postal envelope.

Sub code 0314

Description: Sickle: Too premature for testing.

Sub code 0315

Description: congenital hypothyroidism (CHT): Pre-term.

Sub code 0316

Description: CHT: Borderline result.

Sub code 0317

Description: CF: Inconclusive.

Sub code 0322

Description: Inadequate analyte recovery.

Comment: This code relates to SCID screening only and is a repeat generated by a laboratory process.

Status code 04

Suggested term used in CHIS

(Condition screened for) not suspected.

Sub codes and descriptions

Not applicable.

Status code 05

Suggested term used in CHIS

(Condition screened for) carrier.

Sub codes and descriptions

Not applicable.

Status code 06

Suggested term used in CHIS

Sickle cell disease not suspected, carrier of other haemoglobin.

Sub codes and descriptions

Sub code 0601

Description: Result consistent with haemoglobin C carrier.

Sub code 0602

Description: Result consistent with haemoglobin D carrier.

Sub code 0603

Result consistent with haemoglobin E carrier.

Sub code 0604

Result consistent with haemoglobin O-Arab carrier.

Status code 07

Suggested term used in CHIS

(Condition screened for) not suspected, other disorders follow up.

Sub codes and descriptions

Not applicable.

Status code 08

Suggested term used in CHIS

(Condition screened for) suspected.

Sub codes and descriptions

Not applicable.

Status code 09

Suggested term used in CHIS

(Condition screened for) not screened or screening incomplete.

Sub codes and descriptions

Sub code 0901

Description: CF: > 8 weeks, too old for screening.

Sub code 0902

Description: All screens: > 1 year, too old for screening.

Sub code 0903

Description: Moved out of area.

Sub code 0904

Description: Not contactable, reasonable efforts made.

Comment: Can also be used where screening is accepted, but not completed. Complete card and send to the laboratory.

Sub code 0905

Description: Baby died.

Sub code 0906

Description: Not required, previous valid result.

Sub code 0911

Description: Not screened for or screening incomplete: not offered.

Comment: SCID not offered. This may relate to a baby in a non-SCID screening area.

Status code 10

Suggested term used in CHIS

Haemoglobin S not suspected (by DNA). No other haemoglobin, thalassemia excluded.

Sub codes

Not applicable.


Applies to sickle cell disease screening only.

Status code 11

Suggested term used in CHIS

(Condition screened for) delayed due to epidemic.

Sub codes

Not applicable.

Comment: This can be used for all future epidemics and pandemics.