FOI release

SIA reprographics and print contracts: 2024 update

Published 4 April 2024


I would be grateful if you would provide details of your current contract covering reprographics/print arrangements under the Freedom of Information Act as follows.

  1. Number of MFDs (multi-functional devices) and photocopiers at the Security Industry Authority.
  2. Name of incumbent.
  3. Start/end date of contract (if expired, when do you expect to revisit the marketplace).
  4. Details of any extension options.
  5. What framework / route to market used.
  6. Number of regular/desktop printers (in addition to the above).
  7. Is there a support contract on the above? If yes, please state start/end date.
  8. Do you have a print room?
  9. If yes: name of supplier, number of devices and start/end date of contract, also details of any extension options.
  10. Total annual print/copy volumes (including if applicable your print room) for (a) mono (b) colour.
  11. What print software do you run?
  12. Your total annual spend on print.
  13. Who at the SIA is responsible for this contract?


I can confirm that the SIA does hold the information you have requested. Please see the answers to your questions below.

  1. The SIA has 2 multi-functional devices (MFDs).
  2. The name of the incumbent is XMA Limited.
  3. The start date of the contract was 31 July 2022 and the end date is 30 July 2024.
  4. The contract was for 1 year with a possible 1 year extension. We are currently in the one year extension period.
  5. CCS framework.
  6. Zero.
  7. Yes, as per point 3.
  8. The SIA does not have a print room, but we do have a location in the office for our printers.
  9. Not applicable.
  10. The supplier handles the volumes of print.
  11. The SIA uses SafeCom.
  12. £9,423.04.
  13. Our Procurement team is responsible for the management of this contract. Our ICT team holds the budget for the contract.

Some of this information differs from the information we provided in 2022. This is because when the contract was signed the dates were still to be confirmed.

[Reference: FOI 0495]