
DHSC SSRB remit letter: 2023 to 2024 pay round

Published 16 November 2022

This was published under the 2022 to 2024 Sunak Conservative government

Applies to England

Pippa Lambert
Chair, Senior Salaries Review Body
Office of Manpower Economics
Level 3, Windsor House
50 Victoria Street

Dear Ms Lambert,

I would firstly like to offer my thanks for the Senior Salaries Review Body’s (SSRB’s) valuable work over the past year on the 2022 report. The government appreciates the independent, expert advice and valuable contribution that the SSRB makes.

I write to you now to formally commence the 2023 to 2024 pay round and ask that the SSRB conducts its annual review process of the very senior manager and executive senior manager remit group, and make recommendations to the government on any uplift and how it should be applied from April 2023.

Pay awards must strike a careful balance – recognising the vital importance of public sector workers while delivering value for the taxpayer, considering private sector pay levels, not increasing the country’s debt further, and being careful not to drive prices even higher in the future.

In the current economic context, it is particularly important that you also have regard to the government’s inflation target when forming recommendations.

The evidence that my department, HM Treasury and NHS England will provide in the coming months will support you in your consideration of these factors.

It is important that we make progress towards bringing the timetable of the pay review body round back to normal. We are hoping to expediate the process as much as possible this year and would welcome your report in May 2023, subject to ongoing conversations with the Office of Manpower Economics.

I would like to thank you again for your and the review body’s invaluable contribution to the pay round, and look forward to receiving your 2023 report in due course.

Yours ever,

Steve Barclay, Secretary of State for Health and Social Care