Official Statistics

Amendments to seasonal flu vaccine data: 1 September 2018 to 31 October 2018

Updated 11 April 2019

The following amendments have been made to the Local NHS England Team report and the Local Authority report for both the 2 and 3 year old data.

The figures have been amended for East Staffordshire CCG denominator and numerator due to a manual data upload error. This affected the overall 2 and 3 year old data for the Staffordshire Local Authority, North Midland Local Team, Midlands and East region and the England total.

Data for South Tees CCG has also been changed for 2 and 3 year olds due to the need to suppress small numbers for the Middlesbrough Local Authority. This affected the overall 2 and 3 year old data for the Cumbria and East Local Team, North region and the England total.

The attached spreadsheets show the corrected data.