
Appendix H – quality scoring criteria

Published 30 November 2021

Applies to England

The following scoring methodology shall be used for school schemes unless DfE otherwise agrees. For non-school schemes framework users may use their own scheme specific scoring criteria.

Response Marks
No response provided or is significantly deficient as to what has been asked. 0 marks
Inadequate detail provided or proposals are unsatisfactory, or response does not directly address the question. 1 mark
Information provided only partly answers the question and the detail missing is significant and or a significant part of the proposals are unsatisfactory 2 marks
Information provided substantially answers the question but lacks some detail and / or part of the proposals are unsatisfactory. 3 marks
Information provided substantially answers all elements of the question. Any missing or unsatisfactory details are minor. 4 marks
Information provided satisfactorily answers all elements of the question. The response is comprehensive, detailed and thorough. 5 marks