Research and analysis

Pneumococcal disease: cases caused by all strains of serotyped IPD

Updated 5 February 2015

This research and analysis was withdrawn on

For the results of this research see: Effect of the 13-valent pneumococcal conjugate vaccine on invasive pneumococcal disease in England and Wales 4 years after its introduction: an observational cohort study. Lancet:Infect Dis. 2015 Mar 19.

Cumulative weekly number of reports of serotyped invasive pneumococcal disease: children aged under 2 years in England and Wales by epidemiological year, July to June (from 2005 to now)

Cumulative weekly number of reports of invasive pneumococcal disease due to all serotypes: children aged under 2 years

Cumulative weekly number of reports of serotyped invasive pneumococcal disease: children aged 2 to 4 years in England and Wales by epidemiological year, July to June (from 2005 to now)

Cumulative weekly number of reports of invasive pneumococcal disease due to all serotypes: children aged to 2 to 4 years

Cumulative weekly number of reports of serotyped invasive pneumococcal disease: persons aged 5 to 64 years in England and Wales by epidemiological year, July to June (from 2005 to now)

Cumulative weekly number of reports of invasive pneumococcal disease due to all serotypes: persons aged to 5 to 64 years

Cumulative weekly number of reports of serotyped invasive pneumococcal disease: persons aged 65 years and over in England and Wales by epidemiological year, July to June (from 2005 to now)

Cumulative weekly number of reports of invasive pneumococcal disease due to all serotypes: persons aged 65 years and over

Source: Immunisation Department, Public Health England (PHE)

The graphs are based on week of isolation so numbers for the most recent weeks may not be complete. Number of reports of serotyped cases shown in the graphs are not adjusted to account for any change that may have occurred over time and between age groups in the proportion of all invasive pneumococcal disease cases that are serotyped.

The 7-valent conjugate vaccine was introduced into the childhood immunisation schedule on 4 September 2006, which corresponds with week 36 in the graphs.

The 13-valent conjugate vaccine was introduced into the childhood immunisation schedule on 1 April 2010, which corresponds with week 13 in the graphs.