Transparency data

Board minutes: 11 October 2023

Updated 17 April 2024

Applies to England

This document has been subject to redactions


Wednesday 11 October 2023                                                                                 

Time and Venue

09:00 a.m. in Room 9013 and via TEAMS



Sir Ian Bauckham CBE, Chair

Susan Barratt

Hardip Begol CBE

Mark Farrar

Cindy Leslie

Dr Catherine McClellan

Eileen Milner

Chris Paterson

Clare Pelham

Dr Jo Saxton, Chief Regulator

Matt Tee                                    

Frances Wadsworth CBE


David Bowden, Executive Director, Finance and Operations

Daniel Gutteridge, General Counsel

Michael Hanton, Deputy Chief Regulator 

Catherine Large OBE, Executive Director, Vocational and Technical Qualifications

Dr Ian Stockford, Executive Director of Standards, Research and Analysis

Amanda Swann, Executive Director, General Qualifications

Matt Trimmer, Executive Director, Strategy

Also Present

Charlie Henning, Director of People and Culture (Item 24/23)

National Reference Test Senior Manager (Item 21/23)

Laura Moores, Associate Director, Strategy (Item 23/23)

Linda Samuel, Board Secretary

Emma Scott,  Director of Operations for VTQ (Item 19A/23)

Lydia Waine, Director of Legal Affairs and Governance

Mary Webb,  Head of Private Office

Private Secretary

15/23 Welcome and apologies for absence

There were no apologies for absence.

The Chair welcomed 2 new Ofqual Executives to the meeting, Amanda Swann, Executive Director, General Qualifications, and Matt Trimmer, Executive Director, Strategy.

16/23 Declarations of Interest

There were no declarations of interest.

17/23 Minutes and matters arising

i. Approval of Minutes

The Minutes of the Board meeting held on 21 June 2023 were approved.

ii. Matters arising from previous Board meetings

Two matters remain open:

  • In relation to matter 44/22, this was not on the agenda for the last Strategy Day so will stay open as an aide memoire.
  • In relation to matter 10/23, this will be kept open as an aide memoire to be brought to a future Board meeting.

All other matters arising have been closed.

iii. Reports and recommendations from Board committees

The Chairs of the People, Resources and Finance Committee and the Audit and Risk Assurance Committee gave brief verbal updates to the Board on the most recent meetings of the committees they chair.

iv. Minutes from Board Committee meetings

The Minutes from all previous Board Committee meetings that had taken place since the last Board meeting were received and noted.

18/23 Decisions taken by electronic business

The Board noted 2 items of electronic business since the previous Board meeting.

19/23 Chief Regulator’s report

The Board received an update from the Chief Regulator.

The Board was aware of the resignation of the Chief Regulator, whose last working day will be 15 December 2023.

The Board was advised the summer series of exams and formal assessments was delivered successfully with the second step of the return to pre-pandemic grading implemented effectively across General Qualifications (GQ). 

The Board recognised the work undertaken by Ofqual in relation to exams in 2023 and congratulated the organisation on the successful delivery of the summer series. 

The Board noted that, as happened last summer, exam boards made awards to a very small number of disabled students based on senior examiners’ assessment of alternative evidence. This occurred only where a disabled student was unable to take their scheduled assessments because of their disability, where exam boards judged this a necessary and appropriate reasonable adjustment, and where there was appropriate evidence in place. Exam Boards made these awards in the context of their obligations under equalities legislation and worked closely together to ensure a consistent application of this reasonable adjustment. Ofqual has had an important part to play in the introduction of these arrangements to ensure that the central role of exams and other formal assessments is protected, whilst ensuring that students whose disabilities make it impossible for them to take exams and other formal assessments are treated fairly. 

The Board was supportive of the positive work undertaken by Ofqual to strengthen public confidence in exams and results, including active media engagement, successful paid for social media and publication of a number of communications to different audiences. It was noted that there are always commentators that seek to speculate on results and their impacts for students. Ofqual will continue to provide accurate and useful information to support confidence in exams and results. 

On T Levels, the Board noted there was no repeat of the assessment material errors which caused significant adverse effects in summer 2022. 

The Board was advised that core maths could see increased take-up due to the interest in ‘Maths to 18’. 

The Board was briefed on the recent announcement by the Prime Minister regarding the introduction of the Advanced British Standard and the potential implications, opportunities and challenges for the qualifications system. The Board was advised that an Ofqual programme team has been set up. Ofqual’s main role will be to give expert advice on qualifications and assessments in line with Ofqual’s statutory objectives and duties. DfE are planning a December consultation on emerging plans. The Board will be kept updated. 

Eileen Milner joined the meeting at 10:16

19A/23 Malpractice in security qualifications

The Board was briefed on the recent suspected malpractice in security qualifications. Ofqual has been undertaking work to address such instances of malpractice that could lead to fraud over a number of years and has an open engagement channel with the Security Industry Association, the statutory regulator of the private security industry.

Further work will be undertaken with AOs to strengthen their approach to fraud and malpractice generally in similar types of qualifications. This work will largely build on existing Ofqual resource already committed to malpractice activity. 

20/23 Finance Update

The Board noted the period 4 financial statement which shows a forecast full year resource expenditure overspend of £73,000 which is an improvement from the overspend position reported in June 2023. 

The Board noted the start of the financial year saw an additional £1m in unforeseen costs. This was due to the additional 1% on the pay increase on that budgeted for, the one-off, non-consolidated payment to all staff and additional movement at senior level which introduced some key roles sooner than anticipated. Ofqual’s ability to bear these additional costs, with only a relatively small forecast overspend still to be managed, has been largely due to re-prioritisation by all departments in the allocation of resources. 

The Board was advised the actual year-to-date overspend of £603,000 is caused by the entirety of the one-off, non-consolidated payment being put into period 4 while mitigations will be spread over the year. 

The Executive Director, Finance and Operations gave a verbal update on Period 5 and advised there has been a further softening in the position which should be maintained in Period 6, although with some potential pressure arising from the upcoming office move. 

21/23 Update on Ofqual office relocation

The Executive Director, Finance and Operations, briefed the Board on Ofqual’s office relocation and advised that approval for the move has now been received from the Cabinet Office. 


The Board agreed that:

a. Ofqual may enter into a contract for the lease of the second floor of 1 Friargate as Ofqual’s office premises at a cost of £560,000 per year.

b. When applying Ofqual’s seal, the seal may be authenticated by one Ofqual Board Member and one member of staff who will be determined by the Chief Regulator and the Chair.

22/23 2024 Series

The Executive Director, Standards, Research and Analysis briefed the Board on how standards in general qualifications would be maintained in summer 2024. 

The Board was supportive of Ofqual’s approach.

23/23 Strategic Risk 

The Board considered the Strategic Risk Register and levels of risk tolerance. 

The Board was advised the Audit and Risk Assurance Committee (ARAC) had reviewed the strategic risk register at their last meeting in order to provide assurance to the Board. 

Since the presentation of the register to ARAC, the Chief Regulator announced her resignation and the Board was asked to note the inclusion of an initial new strategic risk to the register. 

The announcement of the Advanced British Standard is also expected to have an impact on the register. Impact on current risks will also be looked at which may determine a rewording of definitions.


The Board noted the changes in the Strategic Risk Register and endorsed the proposed risk tolerances.

24/23 Values Research Project

The Director for People and Culture updated the Board on next steps in respect of the refresh of Ofqual’s working values. The Board was reminded of the work undertaken previously and shown the resulting pillars of practice. These will be confirmed to staff in November at the All Staff Event. 

The Board was very supportive of the progress made in this area.

25/23 Publication of papers

The Board agreed to publish Open Papers.

26/23 Any other business

Next Board meeting: The next Board meeting will be held in Coventry on Wednesday 13 December 2023.

The meeting ended at 12:08 p.m.