Corporate report

Appendix 2: example groups relevant to the section 75 categories for Northern Ireland purposes

Updated 2 April 2024

Example groups relevant to the section 75 categories for Northern Ireland purposes

Please note, this list is for illustration purposes only, it is not exhaustive.

Category Example groups
Religious belief Buddhist; Catholic; Hindu; Jewish; Muslim, people of no religious belief; Protestants; Sikh; other faiths.
  For the purposes of section 75, the term ‘religious belief’ is the same definition as that used in the ‘Fair Employment and Treatment (NI) Order’. (See section 98 of the Northern Ireland Act 1998, which states: ‘In this Act…’political opinion’ and ‘religious belief’ shall be construed in accordance with Article 2-(3) and (4) of the Fair Employment and Treatment (NI) Order 1998.’ Therefore, ‘religious belief’ also includes any perceived religious belief (or perceived lack of belief) and, in employment situations only, it also covers any ‘similar philosophical belief’.
Political opinion Nationalist generally; Unionists generally; members/supporters of other political parties.
Racial group Black people; Chinese; Indian; Pakistani; people of mixed ethnic background; Polish; Roma; Travellers; white people.
Men and women generally Men (including boys); Transgender people; Transsexual people; women (including girls); those who identify as neither male nor female.
Marital status Civil partners or people in civil partnerships; divorced people; married people; separated people; single people; widowed people.
Age Children and young people; older people.
Persons with a disability Persons with disabilities as defined by the Disability Discrimination Act 1995.
Persons with dependants Persons with personal responsibility for the care of a child; for the care of a person with a disability; or the care of a dependant older person.
Sexual orientation Bisexual people; heterosexual people; gay or lesbian people.