Statutory guidance

NEA phase 2 memo 10: Existing self-employed initial assessment

Updated 13 January 2023

To NEA Providers
From Gordon Ross, Specialist Employment Provision Lead, Design, Change and Business Support, Contracted Health and Employment Services
Action For PRIME provider information and action
Timing Immediate

1. review of the current process for conducting an initial assessment interview face to face, as part of the existing self-employed (ESE) offer on New Enterprise Allowance (NEA), has taken place.

2. Current guidance states that the initial assessment for ESE customers has to be undertaken face to face.

3. Following the review, this requirement has been changed and these interviews can now be conducted by means other than face to face.

Summary and action

4. This change recognises that this customer group are already working in their self-employed business and may not always be available to undertake these meetings face to face.

5. Therefore, you are now able to offer customers an option of undertaking the initial assessment either face to face or by an approved DWP secure method. The customer will agree with you which is the best option for their circumstance.

6. Regardless of the method of delivery chosen, the initial assessment will still need to be such that you can make a determination as to whether someone’s business can be helped.

7. You need to ensure that the customer understands the purpose of the meeting and what type of information will need to be available/shared at the meeting, in order for this determination to be made.

8. Any alternative to a face to face meeting would still need to be interactive and we would not expect, for example, for it to be just a matter of filling in a few questions on a form or answering a few questions on a telephone call.

9. This proposal does not result in the withdrawal of the face to face option and must remain as one of the options available to the customer. In making the change it is hoped that this will offer a wider choice to the ESE customer to engage with you and the provision.

10. There are no additional funds available for bringing in this change and any costs would need to be met within existing monies within the contract.

11. This change will be included in the next version of the NEA provider guidance but can be implemented upon receipt of this memo.


12. With regards to evidencing of the initial assessment:

13. If the initial assessment is undertaken face to face, then a physical signature from the customer should be retained.

14. If undertaking the IA by other means, then an electronic signature would be acceptable.

15. The key is to have evidence that shows that a particular individual has undertaken the initial assessment and this evidence can either be electronic or paper based.

16. As the ESE element of NEA is not part of any European Social Fund (ESF) match funding, the ESF evidencing requirements, including those regarding physical (sometimes referred to as ‘wet’) signatures is not required. For new business starts you must still comply with ESF requirements.

Further information and contact details

17. Please ensure your supply chain is notified of this change and ensure all staff adheres to this updated guidance.

18. If you have any queries about this live running memo please contact your performance manager in the first instance.