Corporate report

LGBT Advisory Panel minutes: 18 July 2019

Published 8 January 2020

Panel Members

  • Paul Dilane Marcel Varney
  • Dr Lewis Turner
  • Prof. Catherine Meads
  • Paul Twocock
  • Paul Roberts OBE
  • James Morton
  • Jayne Ozanne
  • Paul Martin OBE
  • Ellen Murray


  • Penny Mordaunt MP, Minister for Women and Equalities
  • Baroness Williams of Trafford, Minister for Equalities
  • Dr Michael Brady
  • S Chelvan

1.0 Welcome and apologies

2.0 Actions from the last meeting

2.0.1 Panel members were asked if the minutes were accurate, with only item 3.14 and 3.15 noted as being in need of amendment as they were a duplication.

2.0.2 GEO officials provided a verbal run through of actions generated at the last meeting, noting that all had been completed.

2.1 Outcomes

2.1.1 That the Panel approve and comment on the minutes and the actions of the last meeting.

2.1.2 That the Panel are informed of progress against actions assigned to GEO at the last meeting.

2.2 Actions

2.2.1 To amend the minutes at item 3.14 and 3.15 to remove the duplication.

2.3 Decisions

2.3.1 N/A

3.0 Gender Recognition Act (GRA) reform

3.0.1 Panel members were provided with a presentation on GRA consultation progress. Before the presentation began the Panel were informed that the presentation was based on top level analysis with continued full analysis still ongoing. With over 100k responses received, this was noted as taking longer than anticipated.

3.0.2 The Panel requested further statistical breakdown relating to answers to a specific question posed by the consultation. This will be provided in due course.

3.0.3 The Panel recognised that GRA reform posed a complex policy area and looked forward to the full analysis of the consultation providing further detail. The Panel offered its full expertise, advice, and critical observations in shaping government policy on this ongoing reform process.

3.0.4 Panel members were invited to provide additional insights, ideas and suggestions via email at the close of the meeting, if they so desired.

3.1 Outcomes

3.1.1 That the Panel received an update on the GRA consultation analysis and were provided the opportunity to query headline figures and understandings.

3.2 Decisions

3.2.1 N/A

5.0 Sexual orientation and gender identity in the 2021 Census.

5.0.1 A colleague from ONS joined the meeting in order to provide a presentation on the addition of a question relating to gender identity to the 2021 Census.

5.0.2 The addition of a question relating to gender had been researched and put to focus groups in order to ascertain the most effective approach. The Panel were informed that groups such as Stonewall and Intersex UK has been consulted in the development of the question structure.

5.0.3 A binary sex question asking for a female/male option would remain as is, with no third option being added. However, this would be caveated with a ‘A question will follow on gender identity’ line. The Gender Identity question would ask if the respondent’s identity matched that as assigned at birth. If the answer was no, a free form box would be added to capture this information.

5.0.4 The Panel expressed various views on this topic, with some reservations voiced that the question on gender identity being ‘to follow’ was confusing. ONS officials stated that testing had not reflected this concern as being realised.

5.0.5 The lack of inclusion of a third sex option was seen as a missed opportunity for people born with VSC.

5.0.6 It was confirmed that only those over 16 were able to respond for themselves, and whilst it was noted this can reflect the wrong gender identity for gender non-confirming and trans minors if non-empathetic guardians completed it on their behalf, the issue of under 16 completion of the census was far greater than GEO’s scope of responsibility allowed for.

5.0.7 No concerns were raised relating to the sexual orientation question.

5.1 Outcomes

4.1.1 That the Panel were informed of the census questionnaire changes, rationale, and updated on the bill’s progress through Parliament.

5.2 Decisions

5.2.1 N/A

6.0 Education and LGBT inclusivity

6.0.1 GEO officials and DfE colleagues joined the meeting to provide an oversight into LGBT Inclusive education and the DfE’s response to the protests related to LGBT inclusive education in schools

6.0.2 GEO officials provided an oversight of the Anti-Homophobic, Biphobic and Transphobic bullying programme in operation in schools across England, noting that the programme was now entering its 3rd year.

6.0.3 As the programme’s second year results were under analysis, only the first year’s were available for discussion at the time of the meeting.

6.0.4 The Panel discussed a number of points, and raised questions as the discussion progressed.

6.0.5 DfE colleagues provided a breakdown of the anti-LGBT inclusive Relationship and Sexual Education programmes underway in a number of schools.

6.0.6 Panel members were provided with a detailed briefing on DfE’s approach to the protests, rationale, and ongoing work to resolve the issue.

6.0.7 Panel members posed a number of questions as well as making constructively critical observations and offering advice from an LGBT perspective.

6.0.8 Panel members discussed with DfE officials the need for LGBT and Faith Group interaction to better understand and resolve topics on an ongoing basis as opposed to a reactive approach when differences arose. For example, LGBT people of faith and LGBT people from BAME groups are often not included in faith and BAME inclusion events and programmes, and as a result appear ‘invisible’ despite being existing members of those communities.

6.0.9 The Panel offered its expertise, time and advice to DfE in diffusing the protests in a constructive, lasting fashion.

6.1 Outcomes That the Panel be provided with an update on the Anti-HBT Bullying Programme, Inclusive Education in Schools, the RSE Protests, and invited to provide guidance, expertise and advice on these topics.

6.2 Decisions

6.2.1 N/A

8.0 Feedback and logistics

8.0.1 This item was not addressed in order that item 5 have further time for qualitative discussion.

8.1 Outcomes

8.1.1 That the Panel note the proposed logistical changes to the LGBT Advisory Panel meetings and support structure.

8.2 Decisions

8.2.1 N/A

9.0 Communications plan

9.0.1 GEO provided a verbal walk through of the Communications Plan provided to the Panel by the GEO Comms team.

9.0.2 Panel members welcomed the Communications plan but noted a desire to shift from a reactive to a proactive stance in relation to events such as the RSE Protests. GEO agreed to provide a more live stream series of updates to the Panel on ongoing work in this area.

9.0.3 The Panel requested that all publicly released reports be circulated to the Panel by GEO in order to bring them up to speed on all current work. GEO agreed to circulate these documents.

9.1 Outcomes 9.1.1 The Panel agreed to the Communications Plan as proposed by GEO Comms team, with adjustments as listed in the actions below.

9.2 Actions 9.2.1 GEO committed to providing live action updates on milestone commitments, as opposed to informing the Panel at the monthly meeting. For example renewal of the HBT programme.

9.2.2 GEO to provide all publicly released reports pertaining to the action plan commitments to the Panel.

9.3 Decisions N/A

10.0 Women and Equalities Select Committee Report (WESC) and progress on the LGBT Action Plan

10.0.1 GEO provided a verbal walk through the milestone tracker.

10.0.2 GEO informed the Panel that the focus of the LGBT Policy Unit would be shifting toward the safety commitments of the LGBT Action Plan, noting that many of these commitments were complex and would require significant work, time and resources to achieve.

10.0.3 The Panel requested that GEO provide in depth progress measurements to the Panel. GEO agreed to this.

10.0.4 It was agreed that GEO would add numbers against each commitment for easier tracking.

10.0.5 GEO agreed to add Risk Management to the agenda as a standing item.

10.0.6 GEO asked the Panel to note that whilst the action plan covers a lot of ground there are areas where GEO is considering new policy work including around care and older people.

10.0.7 The Panel was keen to provide support and advice to GEO to assist with its cross departmental programmes where possible.

10.1 Outcomes

10.1.1 That the Panel review and note progress achieved against action plan commitments and comments/query as appropriate.

10.2 Decisions N/A

11.0 LGBT Advisory Panel Budget

11.0.1 GEO provided a verbal summary of the paper provided to the Panel, confirming a 40k budget covering travel expenses and venue costs, as well as small research projects (within a set cost).

11.0.2 The possibility of a research piece on conservative religious groups and LGBT inclusivity in schools was floated by one member of the Panel.

11.1 Outcomes

11.1.1 That the Panel are informed of the assigned budget and the purpose of it/the limitations it is constrained by.

11.2 Decisions

11.2.1 N/A

12.0 Any other business

12.0.1 The Panel raised the prospect of an ‘away day’ or extended meeting for the Panel as a way to engage on wider topics in depth. GEO agreed to look into this, noting the Panel’s budget could allow for this.

12.1 Outcomes N/A

12.2 Decisions

12.2.1 N/A

Meeting closed