LEADER approach in the RDPE National Delivery Framework
Updated 16 January 2015
Applies to England
This document is now out of date and has been withdrawn. Current information on LEADER is available elsewhere on GOV.UK
LEADER uses local knowledge to promote a joined-up ‘bottom up’ community-led delivery of RDP grants. In England this is being delivered by Local Action Groups (LAGs) and it targets rural areas with specific needs and priorities.
LEADER is an established method of delivering RDP funds at a local level. LEADER is a (French) acronym which translates to ‘Liaison among Actors in Rural Economic Development’.
A Local Action Group brings together individuals from local public, private and civil society who have been delegated powers of strategy and delivery. Through an agreed Local Development Strategy LAGs are able to tackle important local priorities in a locally specific, innovative and participative way.
LEADER is based on seven principles – all of which comes together to be successful.
1. LEADER resouces
This document is now out of date and has been withdrawn. Current information on LEADER is available elsewhere on GOV.UK
- Local Action Group Directory
- LEADER Gateway
- LEADER approach: Q&A information for transition year, August 2014 - Transition year and the new approach - this Q&A will be updated on a regular basis to capture emerging issues
- Prospective LEADER Local Action Groups - a list of prospective LEADER Local Action Groups and their Accountable Body in receipt of LEADER transition or preparatory support funding
2. What LEADER does
This document is now out of date and has been withdrawn. Current information on LEADER is available elsewhere on GOV.UK
The main benefits of the LEADER approach are:
- Local people have a better knowledge of local challenges that need to be addressed and the resource and opportunities available
- They are able to organise local resources for the development process in a way that does not happen with traditional ‘top-down’ approaches
- This gives local people a greater sense of ownership and commitment to the projects, which in turn allows them to make the best of their local assets
- The approach can help develop trust and positive working relationships amongst the local community and businesses
3. LEADER in the next Rural Development Programme and National Delivery Framework
This document is now out of date and has been withdrawn. Current information on LEADER is available elsewhere on GOV.UK
The LEADER approach will continue to be a required component of the new Rural Development Programme, with a 5% minimum EU programme fund allocated to the LEADER approach. This is a requirement set out in the EU Commission Regulation 1305/2013.
It will retain its current purpose as a programme delivery tool where a LAG sets and delivers a Local Development Strategy in accordance with the national RDP. The implementation of LEADER in the next programming period (2014-2020) will seek to refocus on the essential building blocks of the approach. Using our experience of previous programmes we want to make LEADER work even better.
As part of that we are setting out our requirements and expectations for the LEADER approach in a National Delivery Framework.