Policy paper

Joint statement: Safeguarding summit 5 March 2018

A Joint Statement was agreed setting out a number of actions to drive up standards in the aid sector.

This was published under the 2016 to 2019 May Conservative government



On 5 March 2018, we and the Charity Commission co-hosted, with support from the international development network Bond, a Safeguards Summit with UK international development charities, regulatory bodies, and Government and independent safeguarding experts.

Joint Statement on the BOND website

See below the list of organisations who have signed up to the statement:

  • Comic Relief
  • Concern Worldwide (UK)
  • Conciliation Resources
  • DEC
  • Hub Cymru
  • International Rescue Committee
  • Islamic Relief Worldwide
  • Mercy Corps
  • Muslim Aid
  • Oxfam GB
  • Plan International UK
  • Save the Children International
  • Save the Children UK
  • Scotland’s International Development Alliance
  • Tearfund
  • Unicef UK
  • VSO
  • World Vision
  • Hear Their Cries
  • START network
  • Foundation for Social Improvement
  • ActionAid
  • Age International
  • Bond
  • British Red Cross
  • CARE International UK
  • Christian Aid
  • Foundation for Social Improvement
  • DFID
  • Charity Commission
  • Charity Commission for Northern Ireland
  • Office of the Scottish Charity Regulator

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Published 20 March 2018

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