
IPCC call for expert reviewers: sixth assessment report - climate change 2021, on mitigation

The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change invites experts to review sixth Assessment Report - climate change 2021, on mitigation.


Apply for role of Expert Reviewer (link to IPCC website)


The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) invites experts to review the first order draft (FOD) of the IPCC AR6 Working Group III report.

Apply to be a reviewer

Please apply using the online registration form on the IPCC website.

Registration closes on 2 March 2020, at 10:59pm (GMT)

The expert review period is 13 January 2020 to 8 March 2020, 10:59pm (GMT)

Information on the role of Expert Reviewer

Information on the role of Expert Reviewer is available in Principles governing IPCC work, Appendix A, Annex 1.

This note explains the expert review process.

If you have any questions about the process, please contact the IPCC Working Group III TSU at

Published 13 January 2020