
6. Education and training

Updated 3 August 2018

Most e-learning developed by the NHS screening programmes is available from e-learning for healthcare (e-LfH).

Healthcare professionals can use the newborn blood spot (NBS) screening modules to keep their knowledge up to date.

1. Improving blood spot quality e-learning

This module provides guidance on taking good quality blood spot samples. It includes a short video of a midwife explaining how she improved her practice.

2. NBS conditions e-learning

The NBS screens newborn babies for 9 rare but serious conditions. This module explains the conditions.

3. Blood spot card and residual blood spots

This module explains the blood spot card and what happens to blood spots after screening is completed. An interactive blood spot card shows how to complete the fields correctly and why the fields are important.

4. Newborn blood spot failsafe solution videos

The newborn blood spot failsafe solution (NBSFS) helps ensure that all babies in England are offered screening. The videos explain how to use the system effectively.

5. SCT e-learning

This resource covers all aspects of antenatal and newborn screening for sickle cell, thalassaemia and other haemoglobin variants. It features 9 units including a unit about ‘screening the newborn infant’.