FOI release

Freedom of Information request on handling of FOI 21/276 and FOI 21/467 (FOI 21/675)

Published 29 December 2021

6th July 2021

FOI 21/675


Thank you for your email dated 7th June 2021 where you requested the following:

“all communications and/or emails held by MHRA regarding my emailed questions part of FOI 21/276 and my request for review FOI 21/467. This includes my communications with departments at MHRA and any forwarded emails of my emails, and any internal emails held by MHRA discussing my emails. This includes any email by and communications officers at MHRA discussing my emails where I requested adverse drug reaction (ADR) data regarding all Covid-19 vaccines and where I requested an internal review. This also includes any emails between , MHRA communications officers, or other employees and officials at MHRA or other governmental departments, or other external agencies and entities, governmental or in the independent and private sector, discussing my emails.”

We have searched our records and attached all relevant emails. Redactions have been made under Section 40 of the FOI Act, the names of employees below the grade of Senior Civil Servant (SCS) have been withheld. This is because they are normally not responsible for high profile work and would not reasonably expect their personal details to be in the public domain. As a result, the releasing of their names would not, in our view, be fair or reasonable. We have also made redactions under Section 35 – formulation of government policy. Section 35 protects the internal deliberative process as it relates to Government policy making. In other words, the exemption is intended to ensure that the possibility of public exposure does not deter from full, candid and proper deliberation of policy formulation and development, including the exploration of all options and the keeping of detailed records I hope the information provided is helpful, but if you are dissatisfied with the handling of your request, you have the right to ask for an internal review. Internal review requests should be submitted within two months of the date of this response; and can be addressed to this email address.

Yours sincerely,

FOI Team,