Corporate report

Agenda: Forest Services board meeting 7 July 2023

Published 19 December 2023

Forest Services Board 22nd Meeting, Friday 7 July 2023 between 9am to 11.30am via MS Teams.


To review key management and financial information and risks. Focus on a Paulownia Phoenix One regulatory update; how FS can use the Presumption to Plant mapping to speed up planting in low-risk areas, and an update on the revocation of the Ministerial Direction; and Defra Legal delays and mitigations.  


Invitees: Sir William Worsley, Hilary Allison, Edward Barker, Anna Brown, John Lockhart, Ross Murray, Derrick Osgood, Steph Rhodes, Richard Stanford and Sandy Storrie.  

Boardroom Apprentice: Alex Stewart 

Presenters:  Jane Coles (item 3.4), Ian Tubby (item 4.1), Ewan Calcott (item 4.2) 


Minutes: Gemma Thomas

1. Welcome and Introductions – Sir William Worsley 

09:00 (10 mins)

Chair welcomes members to this 22nd meeting of the Board. 

2. Minutes of the last meeting and declarations of interest – Sir William Worsley 

09:10 (5 mins)

Agree minutes, update any recent declarations of interest, and discuss matters arising. 

2.1A (Paper) minutes of the last meeting (25 May 2023) 

2.1B Minutes of the last meeting (26 June 2023) 

2.2 FS Register of Interest 

3. Key Management and Financial Information 

3.1 Directors’ Update – Anna Brown  

09:15 (15 mins)

Consider key issues arising from the Directors’ Update. 

3.2 Risk Register and Dashboard – Anna Brown  

09:30 (20 mins)

Consider key issues arising from the Risks, Issues and Opportunities Register, and from the Dashboards, noting the focus for this meeting on the ‘Expand and Connect’ agenda. 

3.2A (Paper) FS Risks and Issues Dashboard   

3.2B Risks, Issues and Opportunities Register  

3.2C Dashboards  

3.3 Finance Report – Derrick Osgood 

09:50 (15 mins)

A deep dive into FS finances. 

3.3A (Papers) Board Finance Report 

3.3B FS Finance Summary AP2   

3.4 FS Business Plan Quarterly Update – Jane Coles   

10:05 (15 mins)

An update on FS Business Plan activities  

3.4 (Papers) Business Plan 2023-24 Q1 Review

4. Items for Discussion 

4.1 The Regulation of Paulownia hybrid ‘Phoenix One®’ in England – Ian Tubby   

10:20 (20 mins)

To update the Board on the current regulatory position of Paulownia Phoenix One® and evidence behind this decision. (Paper) Paulownia Phoenix One®. 

4.2 How Can FS Use the Presumption to Plant Mapping to Speed Up Planting in Low-Risk Areas prior to LURB, and update on revocation of Ministerial Direction – Ewan Calcott, Steph Rhodes    

10:40 (20 mins)

A look at Presumption to Plant, how FS can use mapping to speed up planting, and consultation reform and Ministerial Direction revocation. (Paper) Presumption to Plant. 

11:00 to 11:05 Comfort Break 

11:05 (15 mins)

A look at the issues with Defra Legal.  What is currently held up and for how long.  What are the plans to fix the backlog, and what are the mitigations to stop it happening again?  (Paper) An update on progress with Defra Legal .

5. Any Other Business – Sir William Worsley 

11:20 (10 mins)

11:30 Close 

Anna Brown, Director, Forest Services  30 June 2023