Corporate report

Agenda: Forest Services board meeting 13 December 2022

Published 19 December 2023

Forest Services (FS) Board meeting: Tuesday 13 December 2022  

19th Meeting 10am to 12.30am, via MS Teams


To review key management and financial information and risks. Focus on an update on FS’s statutory duties, a review and look-ahead of FS’s business planning activities, the Forestry Commission (FC)’s Enforcement policy and investigation barriers and considerations, an evidential look at woodland creation, and an update on natural capital. 


Invitees: Sir William Worsley, Hilary Allison, Edward Barker, Anna Brown, John Lockhart, Ross Murray, Derrick Osgood, Steph Rhodes, Richard Stanford and Sandy Storrie.  

Presenters:  Samantha Malpass, James Murdoch, Bianca Ambrose-Oji, Lucy Wyatt, Ian Tubby 


Minutes: Gemma Thomas 

1. Welcome and Introductions – Sir William Worsley 

10am (10 mins)

Chair welcomes members to this 19th meeting of the Board. 

2. Minutes of the last meeting and declarations of interest – Sir William Worsley 

10.10am (5 mins)

Agree minutes, update any recent declarations of interest, and discuss matters arising. 

2.1 (Paper) Minutes of the last meeting (October 2022) 

2.2 FS Register of Interest 

3. Key Management and Financial Information 

3.1 Directors’ Update – Anna Brown  

10.15am (10 mins)

Consider key issues arising from the Directors’ Update. 

3.1 (Paper) Directors’ Update  

3.2 Risk Register and Dashboard – Anna Brown  

10.25am (20 mins)

Consider key issues arising from the Risks, Issues and Opportunities Register, and from the Dashboards, noting the focus for this meeting on ‘Outstanding Organisation’ agenda. 

Discussion over statutory duties and associated targets. 

3.2A (Paper) FS Risks and Issues Dashboard   

3.2B Risks, Issues and Opportunities Register  

3.2C Dashboard  

3.4 Finance Report – Derrick Osgood  

10:45 (15 mins)

A deep dive into FS finances. 

3.4A (Papers) Board Finance Report 

3.4B FS Finance Summary AP7 22-23 

3.5 FS Business Planning: A Review, and Looking Ahead – Samantha Malpass   

11:00 (15 mins)

A review and a look ahead at FS Business Planning.  

3.5 (Paper) Review of FS Business Planning  

4. Items for Discussion 

4.1 Update: Growing the FC’s Enforcement Capability – James Murdoch 

11:15 (20 mins)

A presentation looking at the FC’s Enforcement policy, and investigation barriers and considerations.     

4.1 (Papers) FC Enforcement and Investigation Barriers and Considerations  

4.1 Annex 2 Investigator Barriers and Considerations 

11.35am (5 mins) Comfort Break 

4.2 An evidential look at woodland creation – Dr Bianca Ambrose-Oji (Forest Research) and Lucy Wyatt 

11.40pm (25 mins)

A look at the evidence for why landowners plant, or do not; and the evidence behind promotion and engagement activities.     

4.2A (Paper) What Do We Know About Why Land Managers Do/Don’t Create Woodland  

4.2B The Evidence Supporting Promotion and Engagement Activities   

4.3 Natural Capital: An Update – Ian Tubby    

12.05pm (20 mins)

An update on natural capital. 

4.3 (Paper) Natural Capital Update 

5. Any Other Business – Sir William Worsley 

12.25pm (10 mins)

12:30 Close 

Papers By Correspondence 

  1. Biodiversity Net Gain Briefing (responses to Board questions and feedback, and a draft version of stakeholder comms) 

  2. Woodland Carbon Code Update  

  3. FS Board Effectiveness Review Action Plan 

  4. ARAC Chair’s Report (November 2022) 

Anna Brown - Director, Forest Services  6 December 2022