
Expenses, Fire and Rescue

Updated 1 August 2018

The Secretaryt of State, in exercise of the powers conferred by section 4D(1) of the Fire and Rescue Services Act 2004(a) makes the following determination.


(1) The kinds of allowances determined by the Secretary of State as payable for the purposes of section 4D( I) of the Fire and Rescue Services Act 2004 are allowances of the kind specified in sub-paragraph (2) that are reasonably incurred by a person who is a fire and rescue authority in respect of expenses incurred by the person in the exercise of the authority’s functions.

(2) The allowances specified in this sub-paragraph are:

  • a) travel expenses
  • b) subsistence expenses
  • c) exceptional expenses


The amounts of such allowances as are payable for the purposes of section 4D( I) are determined by the Secretary of State as set out in the following table:

Type of expense Key restriction Rates
Train In course of business Reimbursed up to standard class rates
Mileage allowances Only if necessary As per HMRC rates
Taxis Only where public transport not available Cost of taxi fare
Foreign travel Prior authority from chief finance officer of the Fire and Rescue Authority and for business purposes Economy class for flights
Hotel accommodation Business purposes and agreed in advance. Value for money and best use of public funds - lower priced suitable accommodation No explicit limitation on star standard of hotel accommodation
Subsistence (UK and foreign) Only paid for evening meals and, where applicable, breakfast (not lunch) Breakfast £10, Dinner £30
Exceptional expenses not falling within any of the other types Reasonably incurred in carrying out business of the Commissioner appointed under a section 4A Order As approved by the chief finance officer of the Fire and Rescue Authority