FOI release

Ethnic demographics of staff employed in the immigration departments of the Home Office

Published 4 December 2013

FOI release 29280

Ethnicity for former UKBA 2008 to 2013 given in percentages. Data has been sourced through published managmenet information reports. Declarations for ethnicity are input by staff members at their own discretion.

BME = A declaration of black, minority ethnic.

UKBA BME declarations (%)
2008 27.45
2009 26.49
2010 26.36
2011 26.14
2012 28.10

1. Ethnicity by Grade (%) – 2011

SCS 1.75
G6 6.17
G7 9.41
HMI 8.57
SEO 19.12
CIO 12.46
HEO 18.56
IO 22.24
EO 37.35
AIO 20.39
AO 35.09
AA 33.87

2. Ethnicity by grade (%) – 2012

SCS 5.41
G6 3.57
G7 12.61
HMI 15.71
SEO 18.16
CIO 12.67
HEO 19.95
IO 23.82
EO 35.17
AIO 32.75
AO 33.39
AA 32.78

In 2013 UKBA formally split into 3 areas, listed below. All figures split into these areas.

Directorate 2013 immigration BME declarations
Immigration Enforcement 33.31
UK Visas & Immigration 25.41
Operational Systems 26.45

3. Immigration Enforcement ethnicity by grade 2013 (%)

SCS 0.00
G6 0.00
G7 7.23
HMI 16.67
SEO 14.72
CIO 13.24
HEO 23.67
IO 23.27
EO 41.67
AIO 28.93
AO 38.91
AA 51.02

4. Operational Systems ethnicity by grade 2013 (%)

SCS 7.14
G6 9.38
G7 10.78
SEO 17.13
CIO 50.00
HEO 13.85
IO 46.67
EO 41.62
AO 27.78
AA 66.67

5. UK Visas & Immigration ethnicity by grade 2013 (%)

SCS 10.00
G6 0.00
G7 13.43
HMI 60.00
SEO 15.75
CIO 16.67
HEO 18.61
IO 56.32
EO 29.20
AIO 46.67
AO 29.68
AA 27.18