Transparency data

Categorisation for cases issued 2018 to 2019

Published 20 June 2019

Environmental, social and human rights (ESHR) risk and impact categorisation of civil (non-aerospace) cases for which support was issued during 2018–19 that fell within the scope of the OECD Common Approaches and/or the Equator Principles.

1. Angola

1.1 Case: Construction and operation of 240km transmission line (Lauca)

Applicable ESHR risk management framework

OECD Common Approaches

Category[footnote 1]



Reinsurance (to EKF, Danish ECA)

ESHR risks profile

High potential ESHR risks, including:

  • health and safety
  • noise and air quality
  • biodiversity
  • physical resettlement and economic displacement
  • waste management

International standards applied

  • IFC Performance Standards 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 8 (2012)
  • World Bank Group EHS Sector Guidelines:

    – General Guidelines (2007)

    – Electric Power Transmission and Distribution (2007)

Estimated greenhouse gases (GHGs)

The operational project is not expected to produce GHGs in excess of 25,000 tonnes CO2 equivalent (CO2eq) per year (Scope 1 and Scope 2).

Additional information

UKEF undertook an ESHR due diligence review of the project. While the project has potential to cause some adverse ESHR impacts, the project will be in alignment with the relevant international ESHR standards.

1.2 Case: The expansion and refurbishment of 2 substations (Gabela and Viana)

Applicable ESHR risk management framework

OECD Common Approaches

Category[footnote 1]



Supplier Credit Guarantee

ESHR risks profile

Medium potential ESHR risks, including:

  • health and safety
  • noise and air quality
  • waste management

International standards applied

  • IFC Performance Standards 1, 2, 3 and 4 (2012);
  • World Bank Group EHS Sector Guidelines:

    – General Guidelines (2007)

    – Electricity Power Transmission and Distribution (2007)

Estimated greenhouse gases (GHGs)

The operational project is not expected to produce GHGs in excess of 25,000 tonnes CO2eq per year (Scope 1 and Scope 2).

Additional information

UKEF undertook an ESHR due diligence review of the project. While the project has potential to cause some adverse ESHR impacts, the project will be in alignment with the relevant international ESHR standards.

1.3 Case: Construction and equipment for 4 hospitals

Applicable ESHR risk management framework

OECD Common Approaches

Category[footnote 1]



Buyer Credit Guarantee / Direct Lending

ESHR risks profile

Medium potential ESHR risks, including:

  • health and safety
  • noise and air quality
  • waste management

International standards applied

  • IFC Performance Standards 1, 2, 3, 4 and 8 (2012)
  • World Bank Group EHS Sector Guidelines:

    – General Guidelines (2007)

    – Healthcare Facilities (2007)

Estimated greenhouse gases (GHGs)

The operational project is not expected to produce GHGs in excess of 25,000 tonnes CO2eq per year (Scope 1 and Scope 2).

Additional information

UKEF undertook an ESHR due diligence review of the project. While the project has potential to cause some adverse ESHR impacts, the project will be in alignment with the relevant international ESHR standards.

2. Brazil

2.1 Case: Petrobras oil and gas exploration and production in three offshore Brazilian basins, Phase III

Applicable ESHR risk management framework

OECD Common Approaches / Equator Principles

Category[footnote 1]



Line of Credit Guarantee

ESHR risks profile

High potential ESHR risks, including:

  • environmental pollution
  • labour and working conditions, health and safety
  • waste management
  • community safety / stakeholder engagement
  • emergency response
  • decommissioning

International standards applied

  • IFC Performance Standards 1, 2, 3, 4 and 6 (2012)
  • World Bank Group EHS Sector Guidelines:

    – General Guidelines (2007)

    – Offshore Oil and Gas Development (2015)

Estimated greenhouse gases (GHGs)

Petrobras activities (oil and gas exploration and production activities conducted by Petrobras within the Campos Basin, Santos Basin and Espirito Santo Basin) supported by this LOC are anticipated to produce amounts of Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Emissions in excess of 25,000 tonnes CO2eq per year reporting threshold set out in the OECD Common Approaches 2012. Greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions for all exploration and production activities in the Santos, Campos, and Espirito Santo basins (including Petrobras’ operations, third party operators, and contractors / sub-contractors) were reported to be 17.24 million tonnes CO2eq in 2018.

Additional information

UKEF undertook an ESHR due diligence review of the project. While the project has potential to cause some adverse ESHR impacts, the project will be in alignment with the relevant international ESHR standards.

3. Ghana

3.1 Case: Construction of 5 new hospitals and 1 new polyclinic

Applicable ESHR risk management framework

OECD Common Approaches

Category[footnote 1]



Reinsurance (to OeKB, Austrian ECA)

ESHR risks profile

Medium potential ESHR risks, including:

  • health and safety
  • noise and air quality
  • wastewater and waste management

International standards applied

  • IFC Performance Standards 1, 2, 3 and 4 (2012)
  • World Bank Group EHS Sector Guidelines:

    – General Guidelines (2007)

    – IFC Industry Sector Guidelines for Health Care Facilities (2007)

    – Water and Sanitation (2007)

Estimated greenhouse gases (GHGs)

The operational project is not expected to produce GHGs in excess of 25,000 tonnes CO2eq per year (Scope 1 and Scope 2).

Additional information

UKEF undertook an ESHR due diligence review of the project. While the project has potential to cause some adverse ESHR impacts, the project will be in alignment with the relevant international ESHR standards.

3.2 Case: Construction and upgrade for Phase 2 of a market

Applicable ESHR risk management framework

OECD Common Approaches

Category[footnote 1]



Buyer Credit Guarantee / Direct Lending

ESHR risks profile

Medium potential ESHR risks, including:

  • health and safety
  • noise and air quality
  • wastewater and waste management
  • physical resettlement and economic displacement

International standards applied

  • IFC Performance Standards 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 (2012)
  • World Bank Group EHS Sector Guidelines:

    – General Guidelines (2007)

    – Guidelines for Water and Sanitation (2007)

Estimated greenhouse gases (GHGs)

The operational project is not expected to produce GHGs in excess of 25,000 tonnes CO2eq per year (Scope 1 and Scope 2).

Additional information

UKEF undertook an ESHR due diligence review of the project. While the project has potential to cause some adverse ESHR impacts, the project will be in alignment with the relevant international ESHR standards.

4. Iraq

4.1 Case: Rehabilitation of turbines at existing power plants

Applicable ESHR risk management framework

OECD Common Approaches

Category[footnote 1]

Existing operation


Reinsurance (to SACE, Italian ECA)

ESHR risks profile


International standards applied


Estimated greenhouse gases (GHGs)


Additional information

This case was classified as an ‘Existing Operation’ and neither plant will expand beyond its current footprint nor will there be a significant change in outputs.

4.2 Case: Construction and development of electrical substations across 15 sites

Applicable ESHR risk management framework

OECD Common Approaches

Category[footnote 1]



Buyer Credit Guarantee / Direct Lending

ESHR risks profile

Medium potential ESHR risks, including:

  • health and safety
  • noise and air quality
  • waste management

International standards applied

  • IFC Performance Standards 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 8 (2012);
  • World Bank Group EHS Sector Guidelines:

    – General Guidelines (2007)

    – Electric Power Transmission and Distribution (2007)

Estimated greenhouse gases (GHGs)

The operational project is not expected to produce GHGs in excess of 25,000 tonnes CO2eq per year (Scope 1 and Scope 2).

Additional information

UKEF undertook an ESHR due diligence review of the project. While the project has potential to cause some adverse ESHR impacts, the project will be in alignment with the relevant international ESHR standards. The ESHR due diligence review has been completed for Phase 1 of the project, which will comprise the construction and development of 4 new substations. Due diligence is ongoing for Phase 2, which will comprise the construction and development of 11 substations, with no financial drawdown permitted for Phase 2 until this review is complete.

4.3 Case: Construction and operation of a 750MW power station (Dhiqar)

Applicable ESHR risk management framework

OECD Common Approaches

Category[footnote 1]



Buyer Credit Guarantee / Direct Lending

ESHR risks profile

High potential ESHR risks, including:

  • health and safety
  • noise and air quality
  • wastewater and waste management
  • resource efficiency

International standards applied

  • IFC Performance Standards 1, 2, 3, 4, 6 and 8 (2012)
  • World Bank Group EHS Sector Guidelines:

    – General Guidelines (2007)

    – Thermal Power Plants (2008)

    – Electric Power Transmission and Distribution (2007)

    – Guidelines for Water and Sanitation (2007)

Estimated greenhouse gases (GHGs)

The operational project is anticipated to produce amounts of Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Emissions in excess of 25,000 tonnes CO2eq per year reporting threshold set out in the OECD Common Approaches 2012. An estimate of 3.44 M tonnes CO2eq per year has been calculated for the operational Project.

Additional information

UKEF undertook an ESHR due diligence review of the project. While the project has potential to cause some adverse ESHR impacts, the project will be in alignment with the relevant international ESHR standards.

4.4 Case: Construction and operation of a 750MW power station (Samawa)

Applicable ESHR risk management framework

OECD Common Approaches

Category[footnote 1]



Buyer Credit Guarantee / Direct Lending

ESHR risks profile

High potential ESHR risks, including:

  • health and safety
  • noise and air quality
  • wastewater and waste management
  • resource efficiency

International standards applied

  • IFC Performance Standards 1, 2, 3, 4, 6 and 8 (2012)
  • World Bank Group EHS Sector Guidelines:

    – General Guidelines (2007)

    – Thermal Power Plants (2008)

    – Electric Power Transmission and Distribution (2007)

    – Guidelines for Water and Sanitation (2007)

Estimated greenhouse gases (GHGs)

The operational project is anticipated to produce amounts of Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Emissions in excess of 25,000 tonnes CO2eq per year reporting threshold set out in the OECD Common Approaches 2012. An estimate of 3.44 M tonnes CO2eq per year has been calculated for the operational Project.

Additional information

UKEF undertook an ESHR due diligence review of the project. While the project has potential to cause some adverse ESHR impacts, the project will be in alignment with the relevant international ESHR standards.

5. Kuwait

5.1 Case: Oil refinery refurbishment and construction

Applicable ESHR risk management framework Category[footnote 1] Product
OECD Common Approaches / Equator Principles A Buyer Credit Guarantee

Applicable ESHR risk management framework

OECD Common Approaches / Equator Principles

Category[footnote 1]



Buyer Credit Guarantee

ESHR risks profile

High potential ESHR risks, including:

  • health and safety
  • noise and air quality
  • wastewater and waste management
  • worker welfare

International standards applied

  • IFC Performance Standards 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 8 (2012)
  • World Bank Group EHS Sector Guidelines:

    – General Guidelines (2007)

    – EHS Guidelines for Petroleum Refining (2007)

Estimated greenhouse gases (GHGs)

The operational project is anticipated to produce amounts of Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Emissions in excess of 25,000 tonnes CO2eq per year reporting threshold set out in the OECD Common Approaches 2012. A maximum estimate of approximately 8.18 million tonnes CO2eq per year has been calculated for the operational Project.

Additional information

UKEF undertook an ESHR due diligence review of the project. While the project has potential to cause some adverse ESHR impacts, the project will be in alignment with the relevant international ESHR standards.

6. Oman

6.1 Case: Construction and operation of Duqm oil refinery

Applicable ESHR risk management framework

OECD Common Approaches / Equator Principles

Category[footnote 1]



Project Finance

ESHR risks profile

High potential ESHR risks, including:

  • health and safety
  • noise and air quality
  • waste management
  • resource efficiency

International standards applied

  • IFC Performance Standards 1, 2, 3, 4, 6 and 8 (2012)
  • World Bank Group EHS Sector Guidelines:

    – General Guidelines (2007)

    – Petroleum Refining (2016)

    – Crude Oil and Petroleum Product Terminals (2007)

    – Ports, Harbours and Terminals (2007)

    – Onshore Oil and Gas Development (2007)

    – Guidelines for Thermal Power (2008)

Estimated greenhouse gases (GHGs)

The operational project is anticipated to produce amounts of Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Emissions in excess of 25,000 tonnes CO2eq per year reporting threshold set out in the OECD Common Approaches 2012. An estimate of 3.1-3.6 M tonnes CO2eq per year has been calculated for the Project during its operational phase.

Additional Information

UKEF undertook an ESHR due diligence review of the project. While the project has potential to cause some adverse ESHR impacts, the project will be in alignment with the relevant international ESHR standards.

7. Sri Lanka

7.1 Case: Construction of approximately 250 rural bridges

Applicable ESHR risk management framework

OECD Common Approaches

Category[footnote 1]



Buyer Credit Guarantee

ESHR risks profile

Medium potential ESHR risks, including:

  • biodiversity
  • water quality
  • health and safety
  • waste management

International standards applied

  • IFC Performance Standards 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 8 (2012)
  • World Bank Group EHS Sector Guidelines:

    – General Guidelines (2007)

Estimated greenhouse gases (GHGs)

The operational project is not expected to produce GHGs in excess of 25,000 tonnes CO2eq per year.

Additional Information

UKEF undertook an ESHR due diligence review of the project. While the project has potential to cause some adverse ESHR impacts, the project will be in alignment with the relevant international ESHR standards.

8. United Arab Emirates (UAE)

8.1 Case: Property Construction (Dubai World Trade Centre IV)

Applicable ESHR risk management framework

OECD Common Approaches / Equator Principles

Category[footnote 1]



Buyer Credit Guarantee / Direct Lending

ESHR risks profile

Medium potential ESHR risks, including:

  • labour and working conditions
  • health and safety
  • noise and air quality
  • waste management

International standards applied

  • IFC Performance Standards 1, 2, 3 and 4 (2012)
  • World Bank Group EHS Sector Guidelines:

    – General Guidelines (2007)

    – Tourism and Hospitality Development (2007)

Estimated greenhouse gases (GHGs)

The operational project is not expected to produce GHGs in excess of 25,000 tonnes CO2eq per year.

Additional Information

UKEF undertook an ESHR due diligence review of the project. While the project has potential to cause some adverse ESHR impacts, the project will be in alignment with the relevant international ESHR standards.

  1. Category A cases are those cases screened and classified as having high potential ESHR risk and impact; Category B cases are those cases screened and classified as having medium potential ESHR risk and impact; Category C cases are those cases screened and classified as having minimal/no potential ESHR risk and impact; Existing Operations are determined within the OECD Common Approaches as referring to applications relating to exports of capital goods and/or services to an identified location where there is an existing undertaking that is undergoing no material change in output or function. For more information on screening and classification refer to the relevant sections of the OECD Common Approaches and the Equator Principles.  2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15