
ESFA Update academies: 9 October 2019

Published 9 October 2019

This correspondence was withdrawn on

This has been withdrawn as it’s out of date. Find the latest information from ESFA in the latest ESFA Update.

Applies to England

1. Action: land and building collection tool is open for completion by 4 November 2019

Thank you to all the trusts who have already submitted their land and buildings collection tool (LBCT). For those who are currently working through the return, the deadline to submit your return to DfE is Monday 4 November 2019.

This week’s top tip is to remember to add the land for your school site as an asset. If you have not included any land as an asset on an occupation, a validation message will appear asking you to add another asset as land. If you have a legitimate reason not to include land in your occupation, please include a brief explanation why in the comment box.

If you are having difficulties completing your return we will be hosting weekly skype calls with users as well as hosting web-chat sessions. For full details of the timetable, joining instructions and further guidance, see our LBCT guidance. Our next skype call is tomorrow, Thursday 10 October 14:00 to 14:30.

2. Information: publication of Framework for Delivery for the T Level Transition Programme

We have published the T Level Transition Programme Framework for Delivery. The T Level Transition Programme will be taught for the first time from September 2020, by providers taking part in its phased implementation. This is a new type of study programme specifically designed to help students to progress onto and succeed on a T Level. The Framework for Delivery sets out the design of this new programme and how it should be delivered in this first year.

3. Information: updated teachers’ pay grant rates for 2019 to 2020

We have updated the teachers’ pay grant rates for 2019 to 2020, in line with increases in the total amount of the grant.

4. Information: high needs funding operational guide for 2020 to 2021

On 3 October, we published the high needs operational guidance setting out arrangements for high needs funding in 2020 to 2021.

The guidance includes changes to the high needs funding system in 2020 to 2021, a summary of key dates and actions for local authorities and institutions, and information on funding arrangements for alternative provision.

We have also published separate high needs funding arrangements 2020 to 2021 guidance for local authorities with special free schools.

5. Information: high needs place change notification process

The high needs place change notification process is now open. Local authorities can confirm their 2020 to 2021 high needs place numbers in ESFA funded institutions by 15 November 2019, via Secure Access.

We have published the high needs place change notification 2020 to 2021: technical note. The technical note sets out the process for local authorities notifying ESFA of institution level changes to 2020 to 2021 high needs place numbers, following discussions with their institutions.

We have also published the data showing high needs place and pupil numbers in special academies from the spring 2019 census, alongside 2019 to 2020 place numbers. This will help inform local discussion about commissioning arrangements for 2020 to 2021.

We will send local authorities their secure access login details by 10 October 2019. Please contact us if you do not receive your login details.

For 2020 to 2021, requests for changes to local authority hospital education funding should be made through the workbook. We have published guidance which explains how to do this.

6. Information: individualised learner record (ILR) R14 hard close

The R14 ILR data return closes at 6pm on Thursday 17 October. It is critical that your return is accurate. We use your R14 data return in several ways, particularly when we calculate your 16 to 19 funding allocations.

After the deadline, you won’t be able to fix any data issues. Don’t wait until the deadline, check your data and make your return now.