
ESFA Update: academies 14 November 2018

Published 14 November 2018

This correspondence was withdrawn on

This has been withdrawn as it’s out of date. Find the latest information from the Education and Skills Funding Agency (ESFA) in the latest ESFA Update.

Applies to England

1. Action: asbestos management assurance process online portal reopening

The asbestos management assurance process (AMAP) online portal has reopened from 12 November 2018 to 15 February 2019. This gives schools and responsible bodies that were unable to participate in the first collection the chance to provide school information and an assured response.

All academy trusts should complete the AMAP. They are responsible for the maintenance of school premises and have a duty under the Control of Asbestos Regulations 2012 to manage any asbestos in school buildings.

The AMAP will enable them to provide an assurance that their schools are compliant with asbestos management legislation and the Department for Education’s (DfE) asbestos management in schools guidance.

DfE plans to publish a list of all responsible bodies that have provided an assured response in spring 2019, along with a report of the AMAP findings.

2. Information: risk protection arrangement (RPA)

We would like to remind RPA members preparing bids to the Condition Improvement Fund (CIF) that there is no requirement to notify RPA if refurbishment works are being undertaken. RPA automatically provides cover for damage to contract works with a limit of £250,000 for any one claim.

However, there is no provision within RPA to waive subrogation rights against any party (other than another member of the RPA) or provide ‘joint names’ cover as required by some form of building contracts, such as Option C of the Joint Contracts Tribunal (JCT) who produce standard forms of contract for construction. Therefore, members of the RPA will need to seek amendments to most standard forms of works contracts before they are tendered. Variations post-tender are likely to be costly and may not be possible.

Further advice and information on the options available to you are set out in annex C of the Condition Improvement Fund 2019 to 2020 information for applicants guidance and our membership pack.

If you have any questions regarding this, please contact our colleagues at Willis Towers Watson. Contact details can be found in the membership pack.

3. Information: T Levels professional development

DfE has awarded a contract to the Education and Training Foundation to lead on the development of T Level Professional Development (TLPD). TLPD will help teachers and leaders prepare for the change and successfully deliver T Levels.

Teaching professionals will be offered the opportunity to participate in the new TLPD to help them to develop their skills and knowledge so they are ready to deliver T Levels (the technical equivalent to A Levels) from 2020. We expect training to be available from spring 2019.