
EFA e-bulletin for schools, colleges, local authorities and other 16 to 19 providers: 14 January 2016

Published 15 January 2016

This correspondence was withdrawn on

This has been withdrawn as it’s out of date. The EFA e-bulletin has been replaced by ESFA Update.

1. Information: funding factor statement and allocations calculation toolkit (ACT)

The funding factor statement and allocations calculation toolkit (ACT) relating to the 2016 to 2017 allocations for most further education (FE) institutions will be uploaded to EFA Information Exchange within the next few days. They will be in the ‘Revenue Funding’ folder, under ‘AY 2016-17 (2016/17)’.

The funding factor statement includes values for your 2016 to 2017 allocation and a comparison with the equivalent figures from 2015 to 2016 to show significant changes year-on-year. The ACT spreadsheet explains how we have used your data to arrive at some of the key figures in the statement. It does not include data on area cost, care leavers or disadvantage block 2.

You will find detailed explanatory guidance about the statement on GOV UK. If you have any queries on any of the figures or calculations in your funding factor statement, please contact us via our online enquiry form.

However, business cases which relate to the data within this statement should only be submitted in March 2016, once you have received and reviewed your final allocation.

If you experience problems accessing EFA Information Exchange, please submit a support request.

2. Information: post-16 funding in academic year 2016 to 2017

We have written to EFA funded post-16 providers with information about funding in academic year 2016 to 2017 for students aged 16 to 19 and students aged 19 to 25 with an education, health and care plan.

3. Information: Secretary of State approved list of independent special schools in England and Wales and special post-16 institutions

We have published the latest Secretary of State approved list of independent special schools in England and Wales and special post-16 institutions that parents and young people can express as a preference for when their education, health and care plan (EHCP) is being agreed.

The application process is annual with the next application window opening on 6 May 2016 . We will publish guidance and supporting information during April 2016 and communicate this through the EFA bulletin and on GOV.UK. The list is refreshed termly to reflect continued compliance with the requirements.

Newly established special post-16 institutions or newly registered independent special schools can submit an application as an ‘exception’ outside of the Section 41 application process timeframe. Enquiries about this should be made to

4. Reminder: high needs place change request outcomes 2016 to 2017

On 14 January 2016, we published outcomes of the 2016 to 2017 high needs place change request process.

This presents validated results from the 2016 to 2017 high needs place change request process. Place change request outcomes will inform 2016 to 2017 high needs place funding in further education colleges, commercial and charitable providers, academies and free schools. They also impact on adjustments that will be made to local authority dedicated school grant allocations.

Place change request outcomes have been determined in line with the principles set out in high needs place change request process and the data published on GOV.UK.

Please send enquiries about the outcomes of the place change request process no later than Thursday 29 January 2016 via our online enquiry form.

Institutions should contact the local authority in the first instance. Requests from local authorities for further changes will not be considered.

5. Information: schools financial efficiency package

We have published a new support package of guidance and tools covering schools financial health and efficiency.

Developed with school leaders and representative organisations, the package brings together existing information with new tools and guidance into one convenient place. It is for school leadership teams in maintained schools, academies and free schools including headteachers, finance directors and school business managers, and governors/trustees.

The package includes guidance on managing budgets, effective procurement and how to achieve greater efficiency by examining how they spend their budget compared to other similar schools.

The section covering financial benchmarking includes information about a new benchmarking report card that the Department for Education (DfE) is sending to all schools. The report card provides highlights of schools’ key financial and performance data compared with a small number of statistical neighbours.

You will receive an email from DfE with your report card soon.

6. Information: employer review of the Teachers’ Pensions scheme administration

Capita is working with Teachers’ Pensions to review the general administration of the scheme and the roles of Teachers’ Pensions and the employer.

The review reflects changes over the past 20 years including the growth of academies, the changing role of local authorities, and developments in technology.

As part of the review, employers are invited to complete a short survey that aims to gather information about the cost and time involved in administering the scheme.

7. Information: keeping children safe in education

The Department for Education is seeking views on revisions to the statutory safeguarding guidance keeping children safe in education.

The consultation closes on 16 February 2016.

8. Information: School and Early Years Finance (England) Regulations 2015

In December, DfE published the consultation response on the proposed changes to the School and Early Years Finance (England) Regulations 2015.

The 2015 regulations recently came into force.

9. Information: Teacher Reference Group vacancies

The Department for Education (DfE) is looking for excellent classroom teachers to join a Teacher Reference Group that will act as an advisory body for ministers and policy makers to make a lasting contribution to new and existing education policy in England.

If you have a classroom teacher in your school who might be interested in this opportunity, please refer them to the Teacher Reference Group vacancies page on GOV.UK.

The closing date is 22 January 2016.