
EFA e-bulletin for schools, colleges, local authorities and other 16 to 19 providers: 10 September 2015

Published 10 September 2015

This correspondence was withdrawn on

This has been withdrawn as it’s out of date. The EFA e-bulletin has been replaced by ESFA Update.

1. Information: complaints procedure for post-16 EFA funded institutions

We have updated the EFA complaints procedure for complaints about post 16 institutions, funded by the Education Funding Agency. The updated complaints procedure is available on our website.

2. Information: recruitment of further education, sixth-form college (SFC) and charitable and commercial provider advisers (CCP)

The Department for Education and the Department for Business Innovation & Skills are advertising for FE, SFC and CCP advisers to support the intervention process and a series of area based reviews of provision.

The Advisers will work alongside the FE and SFC Commissioners. The deadline for applications is 30 September.

Further information can be found at the FE adviser appointments website.

3. Information: changes to 2016 tests and assessments - new video published

A video outlining key changes to tests and assessments for 2016 has been produced for all schools. It outlines the main changes to the tests that will affect schools and details where to go for further information. The video includes a downloadable PowerPoint presentation which can be used for additional training purposes.

To help schools prepare for the tests, 2016 sample test materials for key stages 1 and 2 are available already, along with test frameworks for each subject and information about the introduction of scaled scores.