
Ebola Medal

Details of the process and criteria for the award of the medal to individuals in recognition of their efforts in tackling Ebola in West Africa.

This publication was withdrawn on

Please note the closing date for applications for Ebola medals has now passed, no further applications are being accepted.


Ebola Medal individual application form (withdrawn)


Following the UK government announcement of the new medal to recognise the efforts of the many individuals who have supported efforts to tackle Ebola in West Africa, the Department for International Development (DFID) will manage the process for individual applications who meet the criteria for the award of the medal. The issuing of medals for the following groups will be processed automatically and individual applications should not need to be made:

  • Home civil servants
  • Military
  • UK Med
  • Public Health England
  • Stabilisation Unit
  • Conflict Humanitarian and Security Department (CHASE) Operations Team
  • UK nationals who worked for DFID-funded non governmental organisations (NGOs) supporting UK government efforts

If you do not fall under one of the above categories and believe that you satisfy the criteria and are eligible for a medal, or wish to nominate an individual to receive the medal, you must complete the application form and provide satisfactory evidence to confirm that the applicant is/has:

  • a UK national
  • worked in the operational area of Sierra Leone, Liberia and Guinea supporting the UK government’s response to the Ebola crisis
  • been deployed in West Africa on or after 23 March 2014
  • worked continuously in a qualifying area for a period of 21 days or have worked in a qualifying area periodically for an accumulated total of 30 days over a series of visits (visits must be for a minimum of 48 hours in country)

Examples of evidence to support applications would include copies of Birth Certificate or Passport, copies of airline tickets or boarding cards, letters validating voluntary or paid work with NGOs or other organisations in a qualifying operational area (including dates and locations) etc.

If you have worked for a NGO in West Africa please check if they have already provided a nomination on your behalf.

Please note that if you satisfy the criteria the application will automatically be processed for a medal and this will be issued in due course. We cannot provide a timeframe for the production of the medal at this stage.

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Published 11 June 2015

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