
Monthly total number of electric vehicle public charging devices available in the UK methodology note

Published 12 January 2022

These statistics have been published by the Department for Transport on a monthly basis since December 2021. This document sets out information on the data sources and methodology used to produce them.


These statistics are badged as Experimental Statistics. Users should be aware of the status and cautions of these series, which will vary for each statistic and will be explained within each publication. The statistics are new but still subject to testing in terms of their volatility and ability to meet customer needs. They do not meet the rigorous quality standards of National Statistics, for example with respect to partial coverage. Further details on the limitations of Experimental Statistics can be found on the Office for National Statistics guidance page.

Data source

Charging device location data is sourced from the electric vehicle charging platform Zap-Map and represents a snapshot of publicly accessible devices across the UK reported as operational at midnight as at the first of each month. Data from Zap-Map is sourced from Charge Point Operators and registered users of the site, who have added their own charging device.


Zap-Map report that they cover 95% of publicly accessible devices across the UK however there is no way of assessing whether data coverage is better in some geographical areas than others. These data do not cover privately owned domestic or workplace devices that are not accessible to the public meaning the true number of electric charging devices across the UK will be higher.

Further statistics

More information and statistics relating to electric charging devices can be found on our electric vehicle charging infrastructure statistics page.