
Decision for Parks Haulage Ltd, Keith Parks, Dennis Parker and Scrap Haulage Ltd

Written decision of the Deputy Traffic Commissioner for the North East of England for Parks Haulage Ltd, Keith Parks, Dennis Parker and Scrap Haulage Ltd




Parks Haulage Ltd

On findings made under Section 26 (1) (a), (c) (iii), (e), (f) and (h) of the Goods Vehicles (Licensing of Operators) Act 1995.

And on the basis that:

  • Keith Parks resigns as director of Parks Haulage Ltd by 6 December 2022 and is replaced by Abbie Parks within the same timescale;

A formal warning is recorded in respect of this operator’s licence.

A statement of intent shall record as follows:

  • Abbie Parks and Brian Colman will use their best endeavours to seek to ensure that on any objective view of this business (including its operator’s licence), it will be led by Abbie Parks as its guiding mind and senior manager, and plainly not by Keith Parks.

TM (Transport Manager) Keith Parks

I forfeit the good repute of Keith Parks as TM and find him unfit to act in the role. As required by the legislation I disqualify him from acting as TM in any traffic area. In the circumstances because I do not expect him to offer himself as a TM in the future, I do not propose any rehabilitation measures and in that light set the period of disqualification as an indefinite one.

TM Dennis Parker

I forfeit the good repute of Dennis Parker and find him unfit to act in the role. As required by the legislation I disqualify him from acting as TM in any traffic area. In the circumstances described I am unable to make a thorough assessment of the suitability of any rehabilitation measures and in that light set the period of disqualification as an indefinite one.

Scrap Haulage Ltd

The application is to be marked as withdrawn.

Published 24 November 2022